251 Random Questions To Ask Absolutely Anyone in 2025
If you're looking for random questions to ask with answers, you've found an excellent resource! You could use a random questions generator or look up a variety of lists of ice breaker questions — but these are sorted by occasion as well as the person you're asking.
In the Journal of Visualized Experiments, an article explains how networks and relationships that define a society are built on getting to know the other people around you. So keep reading for a jazzy list of random questions to ask everyone you meet! Or check our our other list of Who’s Most Likely To questions or Never Have I Ever Questions if you're looking for something a bit less random.Â
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- Funny Random Questions To Ask
- Random Questions To Ask Your Friends
- Random Questions To Ask a Guy
- Random Questions To Ask a Girl
- Random Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend
- Random Questions To Ask Your Girlfriend
- Random Questions To Ask When Bored
Funny Random Questions To Ask

Random questions to ask funny people or for funny reasons can be tough to come by, so that's where this list begins! Check out an array of hilariously funny questions to ask just about anyone.
1. What is your go-to shower song to sing?
2. What fruit would you be if you were a fruit?
3. If you could live with a fictional character, who would be your roommate?
4. Would you rather be in a cartoon or have an artist paint your picture?
5. What sport will be invented next?
6. What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?
7. Which of the Seven Dwarfs resembles you the most?
8. How would it feel to cry underwater?
9. How many times have you traveled by sea?
10. Who would you want to portray your life story in a movie?
11. Have you ever dropped something on the floor, then picked it up and eaten it?
12. Who eats the most in your family?
13. Can you name 5 things currently hidden inside your bedroom?
14. If you could make one word famous, what would it be?
15. What’s the food you usually refuse to share?
16. Would you spend a thousand dollars on food?
17. Do you know any funny pick-up lines?
18. Have you ever been caught staring at a crush?
19. What’s your dream car?
20. What gives you the ick?
21. What is the spiciest food you’ve ever eaten?
22. What is a silly thing you take a lot of pride in?
23. Who is your biggest fan?
24. What do you notice first about another person?
25. What is the dumbest way you've been hurt?
26. What is the weirdest text you have ever received?
27. What are the songs that make you sing along every time?
28. Which one do you like: foot massage or hand massage?
29. What is the worst food of all time?
30. What’s your least favorite board game?
31. What are your top 5 favorite fast-food restaurants?
32. What’s a weird smell that you really enjoy?
33. What is something true that nobody agrees with you on?
34. What’s the worst color that was ever invented?
35. What sound do you hate?
Random Questions To Ask Your Friends

Getting to know the people around you often begins with learning more about the friends you already have — or by making new friends! Here are some random questions to ask them to deepen your connection.
36. Do you watch the full ad on YouTube or do you just skip them?
37. What’s the last food you ate?
38. What kind of company would you start if I offered you $50,000 to start one?
39. Do you spend too much time playing games on your smartphone?
40. What’s your favorite family tradition?
41. Where is a place you’ve always wanted to visit?
42. What’s the most important quality in a friend, in your opinion?
43. Who would you share the last slice of cake with if there was just one piece left?
44. Would you choose to live for another 100 years or start over from the beginning?
45. Have you ever been caught sneaking outside the house?
46. What’s the meaning of your name?
47. What is/was your favorite subject in school?
48. What usually scares you the most?
49. What are the things you’d bring in a zombie apocalypse?
50. If you could teach a dog one trick, what would it be?
51. Have you ever had to run from the police?
52. Are you a collector of something?
53. If you could sit on a bench in the middle of a beautiful forest, who would you like to sit next to you and why?
54. Who do you think is your celebrity look-a-like?
55. What location would you choose if you had the power to make it disappear?
56. Did you ever think you had superpowers as a child?
57. When no one is around, what do you like to wear?
58. What’s your favorite memory of us?
59. How would you describe our friendship in three words?
60. What would our friendship be called if it was a comedy movie?
61. What is a popular food ingredient, spice, or herb that you dislike?
62. Do you ever dream of living somewhere else?
63. What’s the weirdest animal for you?
64. Which celebrity would you rate as a perfect 10?
65. What are the facts about you that you think I would find difficult to believe?
66. What law would you like to make that every person should strictly follow?
67. Would you rather be a hero or a villain in a movie?
68. What’s that certain thing that people always misunderstand about you?
69. If the doctor said, "You have 24 hours to live," what would you do with the time you had left?
70. When you see a homeless person, what is your first thought?
71. Have you ever thought of having plastic surgery?Â
Random Questions To Ask a Guy

You'll never know what's truly on his mind if you don't ask. Start by asking something random and a little off-beat to loosen his tongue.
72. What mythical creature would you choose to domesticate as a pet?
73. Who is your favorite person to follow on Instagram?
74. What is one thing a woman can do to instantly impress you?
75. What is your idea of the perfect date?
76. What is your biggest dating deal-breaker?
77. What's your earliest childhood memory?
78. What have you done that you're really not proud of?
79. Why is your best friend your best friend?
80. Would you rather visit your ancestors in the past or meet your descendants in the future?
81. What has been the longest time you had to wait for someone?
82. Where would you go if you could teleport?
83. How long was your last romantic relationship?
84. Which member of your family were you closest to as a child?
85. Do you see yourself as creative?
86. Has anyone given you a strange gift?
87. What’s the weirdest thing on your bucket list?
88. Have you ever pulled out a tooth just to get money from the tooth fairy?
89. When was the last time you’ve ever felt jealous?
90. Which of the four seasons is your favorite?
91. How do you like to spend a rainy day?
92. What’s one opportunity you feel like you missed out on?
93. Do you have a favorite kind of flower?
94. When was the last time you cried?
95. What’s one thing you would change about yourself?
96. What motivates you?
97. When was the last time you did a random act of kindness?
98. What TV series could you watch several times?
99. Are you more of a "fix it yourself" or "call an expert" kind of person?
100. How many pairs of shoes do you have?
101. What’s your opinion on garden gnomes or pink flamingos?
102. What is your favorite indoor activity?
103. What is your favorite outdoor activity?
104. What do you think is the best hangover cure?
105. What's the biggest pimple you've ever had?
106. Would you move to another country for love?
107. What is your favorite piece of advice?
Random Questions To Ask a Girl

Whether you're just meeting someone new or looking for a way to break the ice with your crush, here are a variety of questions to ask the female you want to befriend.
108. What words of advice would you offer to your younger self?
109. What time do you usually go to sleep?
110. What time do you usually wake up?
111. If you were a superhero, what would your secret power be?
112. What animal is your preferred pet?
113. What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
114. What is your favorite memory?
115. Do you think you have a greater life purpose?
116. Do you believe in an afterlife?
117. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
118. Do you believe in destiny?
119. What do you think the kindest thing someone can do is?
120. What are you excited about right now?
121. Where would you relocate if you were forced to leave the country?
122. What is the greatest risk you have ever taken?
123. If you could travel back in time, when and where would you go?
124. If you were given the chance to steal something, what would it be?
125. If you had 24 hours to do whatever you wanted, what would you do?
126. What’s your favorite exotic animal?
127. Which one do you prefer: being controlled or being in control?
128. Which film do you want to see turned into a musical?
129. Are you confident to face the future?
130. Have you ever composed a song?
131. What is your favorite sports team?
132. What would you do if you became lost in a city you aren’t familiar with?
133. What was your favorite childhood snack?
134. What style of house design do you think is your perfect match?
135. Do you know how to change a flat tire?
136. Are you an impulsive type of person?
137. What’s your favorite nickname you’ve been given?
138. What is something you can’t give up?
139. Who is your style role model?
140. What's the craziest bet you have ever made?
141. If you could be any type of object, what would you like to be?
142. What movie did you last watch inside the cinema?
143. What is your favorite day of the week?
Random Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend

Reading someone's mind is never easy. Here are a few random questions to ask him to try to help you understand the way his brain works!
144. What three things would you want with you if you were stranded on a desert island?
145. Do you like dipping your Oreo in milk?
146. Would you rather wear shoes or slippers?
147. What’s your lucky number?
148. How do you define cheating?
149. What was the best gift you ever received?
150. What’s the last book that made you cry?
151. Who do you not trust among your friends?
152. How old were you when you were allowed to have a cell phone?
153. Do you get thirsty in the middle of the night?
154. What is one piece of advice you wish you’d taken?
155. If you were a pair of shoes, what type would you like to be?
156. What do you miss the most about being a kid?
157. What is the best song to describe your life right now?
158. Who was your first crush?
159. What’s one body part that you wouldn’t mind losing?
160. How do you deal with a stressful environment?
161. What are the two things you’d like to ask your pet if they could talk?
162. What’s the certain product you couldn’t live without?
163. How do you want to die?
164. What was your most embarrassing moment in grade school?
165. Who do you go to first when you have a big decision to make?
166. What is the first thing you do after getting home from a trip?
167. What type of cuisine would you serve your customers if you owned a five-star restaurant?
168. What was your favorite childhood book?
169. Which family member are you the closest to?
170. What is your favorite kind of gift?
171. How do you want to be remembered?
172. What’s the best way to waste time?
173. What’s your favorite Disney character?
174. If you could be part of another family, whose family would it be?
175. What’s the most extreme challenge in your life that you’ve already overcome?
176. Do you want to have a cat as a companion or do you want to be a cat instead?
177. What has been the most flattering compliment you've ever received?
178. What is your main reason for getting out of bed every day?
179. What movie makes you laugh even after watching it several times?Â
Random Questions To Ask Your Girlfriend

Date night is a perfect excuse to keep the romantic spark alive in your relationship, too! Here are some questions to ask your lover to find out more about her.Â
180. What's something on your bucket list you really want to do soon?
181. What's something on your bucket list you think you'll never actually do?
182. What’s your favorite way to celebrate?
183. Who would you pay the most money to see in concert?
184. When do you feel the most stressed?
185. What is your favorite way to kick off a day?
186. When was the last time you got into a big fight?
187. What’s the biggest injury you’ve ever had?
188. What's the fanciest event you've ever attended?
189. How did your parents meet?
190. What are those things you're too old to do but you still enjoy?
191. What’s the first thing you pack for an out-of-the-country flight?
192. Would you take it if you had the opportunity to be immortal?
193. If you could have lunch with one person from history, who would it be?
194. What do you like most about going to the beach?
195. What is the most embarrassing moment you had in your workplace?
196. Do you still keep secrets from mom/dad?
197. What’s your favorite car brand?
198. Who is your favorite athlete?
199. Which fictional book character would like to meet?
200. What do you usually daydream about?
201. What plant is your favorite?
202. How many concerts have you gone to?
203. If you could change your name for a day, what would it be?
204. What is the most useless talent you possess?
205. What do you think the most important job is?
206. Who do you wish you were closer to?
207. What makes you the most angry?
208. What’s your biggest fear?
209. What’s your favorite board game?
210. What’s the most addictive game for you?
211. Have you ever stolen food from the refrigerator and blamed it on someone?
212. What makes you really sad?
213. What’s your favorite lullaby?
214. Would you rather have a massage or get a facial?
215. Who is the best movie villain?
Random Questions To Ask When Bored

There are plenty of ways to spice up your day with some random questions to ask or ice breaker games! What are 5 interesting questions? There are quite a few in this list.
216. Do you want to change the world?
217. What’s a current habit that you want to quit?
218. What did you learn today?
219. If you had to give one thing up for life, what would it be?
220. Would you like to tell me a story?
221. Have you ever walked out of the cinema without finishing the movie?
222. What has been the longest plane trip you've ever taken?
223. If you could be any age for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
224. What was something you really wanted to do as a kid but never had the opportunity to do?
225. What are the qualities you search for in other people?
226. What are the musical instruments you can play?
227. Have you experienced being confined in a hospital?
228. If you were drowning, who do you think would save your life?
229. What habits of other people do you find disgusting?
230. Have you experienced falling down the stairs?
231. Where’s the worst-smelling place you have ever been?
232. How do you inspire other people?
233. When was the last time you felt a big adrenaline rush?
234. When was the last time you screwed something up and no one ever noticed?
235. What is the craziest thing you’ve done in school?
236. Which part of the roller coaster do you usually ride: the front, middle or back?
237. What’s the most beautiful country you’ve ever visited?
238. What is the worst TV advertisement you’ve seen recently?
239. What do you think the most unpleasant touch sensation is?
240. Are there any songs you know all of the lyrics to?
241. What do you wish was a school class that currently isn’t?
242. If you could immediately gain one existing ability, what would it be?
243. What do you think the quickest way to turn around a bad day is?
244. What food should taste better than its appearance?
245. What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to learn?
246. Who is your biggest role model?
247. How do you think the world is going to end?
248. What do you do when you need some inspiration?
249. Can you show me the oldest item inside your closet?
250. What has been your greatest kitchen mistake?
251. Would you rather cook or eat at a restaurant?
Don't forget to write down the more memorable answers you get! Of course, these are only a small selection of the possibilities for random questions to ask. If you're looking for would you rather questions, you can find plenty here.
For even more fun ideas to break the ice, check out other experiences happening on Classpop!