
301 Giggle-Worthy Jokes for Kids in 2025

Published on Mar 19th 2025
jokes for kids

Jokes for kids never go out of style, especially when it comes to making kids laugh. While some little comedians love coming up with their own punchlines, they often need a little inspiration. That’s why we’ve gathered a collection of funny jokes for kids covering everything from Halloween to Christmas jokes for kids. So, if you're ready for some fun, check out this collection of over 100 jokes for kids sorted by category — because there’s no such thing as too many jokes for kids.

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Funny Jokes for Kids

Dad telling funny joke for kid
Jokes are a great way to show affection (via Canva)

While kids are always keen to explore fun craft ideas, they also love a good laugh to keep things entertaining.

1. Why do cows have hooves instead of feet? Because they lactose.

2. Why did the banana go to the doctor? Because it wasn’t peeling well.

3. Why couldn’t the bicycle stand up by itself? Because it was two-tired.

4. What do you call an alligator wearing a vest? An investigator.

5. What’s a cat’s favorite dessert? Mice cream.

6. What do librarians take fishing? Bookworms.

7. Why don’t elephants use computers? They’re afraid of the mouse.

8. Why did the cookie cry? Because its Mom was a wafer too long.

9. What did one wall say to the other? I’ll meet you at the corner.

10. What kind of fish loves to sing? A tune-a fish.

11. Why do pancakes always win at sports? Because they’re on a roll.

12. What kind of tree fits in your hand? A palm tree.

13. Why do ducks always laugh? Because they’re always up to something quacky.

14. What’s a cow’s favorite snack? Moo-tella on toast.

15. What do you call fake spaghetti? An impasta.

16. What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear.

17. What kind of candy do you eat on the playground? Recess pieces.

18. What did the ocean say to the beach? Nothing, it just waved.

19. Why did the crab never share? Because he was a little shellfish.

20. What's the best key to unlock a banana? A mon-key.

21. What’s orange and sounds like a parrot? A carrot.

22. Why don’t koalas count as real bears? They don’t have the koalafications.

23. Why did the teacher wear sunglasses? Because her students were so bright.

24. What do you call a pig who knows karate? A pork chop.

25. How do bees get to school? On the school buzz.

26. What did one math teacher say to the other? We have too many problems.

27. What do you call an owl who does magic? Hoo-dini!

28. Why did the dog sit in the shade? Because he didn’t want to be a hot dog.

29. Why did the frog take the bus? Because his car was toad.

30. What’s the smartest kind of insect? A spelling bee.

Knock-Knock Jokes for Kids

Mother telling knock knock joke for kid
Knock-knock jokes are always a hit (via Canva)

Knock-knock jokes for kids are always a hit with children of all ages. There’s just something about the silly setups and unexpected punchlines that make them so much fun.

31. Knock, knock.

— Who’s there?


— Tank who?

You’re welcome.

32. Knock, knock.

— Who’s there?


— Donut who?

Donut forget to do your homework.

33. Knock, knock.

— Who’s there?


— Orange who?

Orange you glad school’s almost over?

34. Knock, knock.

— Who’s there?

I am.

— I am who?

You don’t know who you are?

35. Knock, knock.

— Who’s there?


— Cheese who?

Cheese a funny person.

36. Knock, knock.

— Who’s there?

Cow says.

— Cow says who?

No silly, cows say "Moo!"

37. Knock, knock.

— Who’s there?


— Wooden who?

Wooden you like to hear another joke?

38. Knock, knock.

— Who’s there?


— Justin who?

Justin time for dinner.

39. Knock, knock.

— Who’s there?


— Atch who?

Bless you.

40. Knock, knock.

— Who’s there?


— Leaf who?

Leaf me alone, I’m reading.

41. Knock, knock.

— Who’s there?


— Howard who?

Howard you like to hear another joke?

42. Knock, knock.
— Who’s there?
— Butter who?
Butter let me in, it’s cold out here.

43. Knock, knock.

— Who’s there?


— Snow who?

Snow time like the present to tell a joke.

44. Knock, knock.

— Who’s there?


— Dishes who?

Dishes your best joke yet.

45. Knock, knock.

— Who’s there?


— Spell who?

W-H-O, silly!

46. Knock, knock.

— Who’s there?


— Owls who?

Yes, they do.

47. Knock, knock.

— Who’s there?


— Harry who?

Harry up, I’m late for school.

48. Knock, knock.

— Who’s there?


— Banana who?

Banana split, so I’m outta here.

49. Knock, knock.

— Who’s there?


— Dewey who?

Dewey have to go to school today?

Halloween Jokes for Kids

Halloween Jokes for kids
Brighten your child's day with a joke (via Canva)

Whether you’re looking for a quick laugh or a joke to brighten your child’s day, these clean and silly Halloween jokes for kids are sure to bring on the giggles.

From friendly ghosts to silly pumpkins, these jokes are packed with spooky fun and of course, no Halloween joke list would be complete without a few classic jokes for kids to keep the fun going.

50. Why didn't the skeleton go to the Halloween party? He had no body to go with.

51. What instrument do skeletons play? The trom-bone.

52. Why are graveyards so noisy? Because of all the coffin.

53. What's a mummy's favorite type of music? Wrap music.

54. How do zombies get around on Halloween? They take the ghost train.

55. Why don't mummies take vacations? They're afraid to unwind.

56. What's a ghost's favorite dessert? I-scream.

57. What's a zombie's favorite cereal? Rice Creepies.

58. Why don't skeletons fight? They don't have the guts.

59. What do ghosts use to wash their hair? Sham-boo!

60. Why did the monster eat the lightbulb? Because he needed a light snack.

61. What's a witch's favorite subject in school? Spell-ing.

62. What's a ghost's favorite candy? Boo-ble gum.

63. How do ghosts search the web? They use Ghoul-gle.

64. What's a vampire's favorite ice cream flavor? Vein-illa.

65. What room does a ghost not need in its house? A living room.

66. How do you make a skeleton laugh? Tickle his funny bone.

67. What happens when ghosts get lost in the fog? They get mist-ified.

68. What do you call a witch who lives at the beach? A sand-witch.

69. Why don't werewolves tell jokes while running? They'd be howling with laughter.

70. What's Dracula's favorite fruit? Neck-tarines.

71. What game do young ghosts like to play? Hide and shriek.

72. What happens when a ghost gets lost in the fog? He is mist.

73. Where do baby ghosts go during the day? Dayscare.

74. What's a skeleton's favorite snack? Spare ribs.

75. What’s a vampire’s favorite fruit?  A blood orange!

76. What kind of mistakes do spooks make? Boo-boos.

Christmas Jokes for Kids

Dad telling christmas joke
Christmas jokes keep the holiday spirit alive (via Canva)

If your kids are bored with winter crafts and Christmas movies, sprinkle in some jokes for kids and Christmas jokes for kids to keep the holiday spirit alive. A good laugh is the perfect way to make the season even more magical.

77. Why does Santa go down chimneys? Because it soots him.

78. What do Christmas trees say when they get excited? "Fir real?!"

79. What do reindeer hang on their Christmas trees? Horn-aments.

80. Why did the snowman go to therapy? Because he had a meltdown.

81. What did the Christmas tree say to the ornament? "You light up my life."

82. Why did Santa go to music school? So he could improve his wrapping skills.

83. What’s a reindeer’s favorite game? Stable tennis.

84. What do snowmen like to do on the weekend? Just chill.

85. What kind of money do elves use? Jingle bills.

86. How much does Santa’s sleigh cost? Nothing — it’s on the house.

87. How do snowmen greet each other? "Ice to meet you."

88. What did the elf say to the annoying toy? "You’re really pushing my buttons."

89. What do you call Santa when he takes a break? Santa Pause.

90. What do elves learn at school? The elf-abet.

91. What kind of photos does Santa take? Elfies.

92. What do snowmen wear on their heads? Ice caps.

93. Why did the Christmas tree go to the barber? It needed a trim.

94. What’s a snowman’s favorite school subject? Snow-cial studies.

95. What does Santa eat for breakfast? Ho-ho-honey pancakes.

96. What do you call a reindeer with bad manners? Rude-olph

97. What do Christmas trees do at the gym? Tree-lifts.

98. What kind of phone does an elf use? A "cell-f" phone.

99. Why does Santa always carry an umbrella? In case of reindeer.

100. What do you call a Santa who only delivers presents in summer? A sand-a Claus.

101. What did the Christmas tree say after getting decorated? "I feel pine and dandy."

102. Why did Santa stop at the bakery? Because he kneaded some cookies.

103. Why did Santa start a garden? Because he wanted to "sleigh" at growing plants.

Joke of the Day for Kids

Girls laughing at the joke of the day for kids
Get in touch with your inner child (via Canva)

Kids love funny jokes and are quick to reward adult silliness with gratifying laughter. But coming up with the perfect joke of the day for kids on the spot can be tricky. As you’ll see below, the best joke of the day for kids is all about having fun with wordplay and leaning into goofy humor.

104. Why are fish so clever? Because they spend all their time in schools.

105. What did the birds say about the owl’s jokes? They were a real hoot.

106. What kind of snake gobbled up all the sweets? A pie-thon, of course.

107. What magic word does a dog magician use? Lab-racadabra!

108. How much money does a skunk carry? Just one little scent.

109. How can you tell a bull from a cow? It’s one or the udder.

110. What did the hawk say when it slipped off a branch? "Well, this is awkward."

111. What do sea lions say when they hear a bad joke? "That’s the sealiest thing I’ve ever heard."

112. What do you call an elephant that isn’t important? An irr-elephant.

113. What did the alpaca say before a picnic? "I’ll pack a lunch."

114. What do you call it when a dinosaur scores in soccer? A dino-score.

115. Why did the turkey join a band? Because she had great drumsticks.

116. Why couldn't the bicycle stand up by itself? It was two-tired.

117. How do you catch a squirrel? Climb a tree and act like a nut.

118. Why don't eggs tell jokes? They'd crack each other up.

119. How does a scientist freshen their breath? With experi-mints.

120. What's a duck's favorite snack? Quackers.

121. Why did the golfer bring two pairs of pants? In case he got a hole-in-one.

122. Why did the picture go to jail? It was framed.

123. What do you call a sleeping bull? A bulldozer!

124. What did the triangle say to the circle? You're pointless.

125. Why did the kid bring a pencil to bed? To draw the curtains.

Thanksgiving Jokes for Kids

If you're a fan of jokes for kids, Thanksgiving is the perfect time to share some laughs with the whole family. Try out these hilarious Thanksgiving jokes for kids at your next holiday gathering and you might just become the official comedian of the family.

126. What sound does a turkey's phone make? Wing, wing!

127. What role do green beans play at Thanksgiving dinner? The casserole.

128. What do you call mashed potatoes that aren't yours? Nacho potatoes.

129. What always comes at the end of Thanksgiving? The letter G.

130. Why didn't the turkey finish its dessert? It was already stuffed.

131. Why did the bread roll away? It saw the butter coming.

132. What's a turkey's favorite type of weather? Fowl weather.

133. What did one plate say to the other? "Dinner's on me."

134. Why did the turkey cross the road twice? To prove he wasn't chicken.

135. Where do turkeys go to dance? The Butter Ball.

136. What's a turkey's favorite dessert? Peach gobbler.

137. What do you call a running turkey? Fast food.

138. What's a mathematician's favorite Thanksgiving dish? Pumpkin Pi.

139. What's a scarecrow's favorite fruit at Thanksgiving? Straw-berries.

140. What did the leftover turkey say? "Make me a sandwich."

141. What do you call a turkey's evil twin? A gobbleganger.

Easter Jokes for Kids

Parents telling easter jokes for Kids
Silly jokes are for everyone (via Canva)

Silly jokes aren't just for dads — they're for anyone who loves making kids laugh. Whether you're a mom, grandparent, aunt or uncle, you can share some giggles with these hilarious Easter jokes for kids.

Get ready for big laughs and silly moments because everyone can enjoy a good pun, especially Easter jokes for kids.

142. What do you call a rabbit with fleas? Bugs Bunny.

143. Why was the Easter egg hiding? It was a little chicken.

144. What day does an egg hate the most? Fry-day.

145. How does the Easter Bunny stay in shape? Eggs-ercise.

146. What do you call a bunny who tells good jokes? A funny bunny.

147. What's the Easter Bunny's favorite kind of music? Hip-hop.

148. What do you call an egg from outer space? An "egg-straterrestrial".

149. Where do eggs go on vacation? New Yolk City.

150. What did the rabbit say to the carrot? It's been nice gnawing you.

151. Why are bunnies the luckiest animals? They have four rabbit's feet.

152. What's a rabbit's favorite dance move? The bunny hop.

153. What did the egg say after a hard workout? I'm eggs-hausted.

154. How does the Easter Bunny paint all those eggs? He hires hare stylists.

155. What's the Easter Bunny's favorite restaurant? IHOP.

156. What do you call a rabbit magician? A hare-dini.

157. What did one colored egg say to the other? "Heard any good yolks lately?"

158. How can you tell which rabbits are the oldest? Look for the gray hares.

159. Why did the Easter egg go to the baseball game? For the egg-stra innings.

Spring Jokes for Kids

Kids laughing at jokes
Spring jokes will have the kids giggling (via Canva)

Jokes for kids that make them giggle are perfect for spring as they bring when flowers start blooming. Spring jokes for kids can brighten up rainy days and make Easter egg hunts even more fun.

160. What flowers do you find on faces? Tu-lips.

161. Why are frogs so happy in spring? They eat whatever bugs them.

162. How do baby birds learn to fly in spring? They wing it.

163. Why don't trees ever feel lost? They can always find their roots.

164. Why was the bumblebee on the computer? It was searching the honey-net.

165. Why did the bird go to the hospital? It needed tweetment.

166. What happened when the frog's car broke down? It got toad away.

167. Why did the gardener plant a light bulb? They wanted to grow a power plant.

168. What kind of bow can't be tied? A rainbow.

169. How do flowers get from place to place? They take a bee-line.

170. What did the big flower say to the little flower? "Hi, bud."

171. What does a bee use to brush its hair? A honeycomb.

172. Why did the gardener quit his job? His celery wasn't high enough.

173. Why don't plants like math? It gives them square roots.

174. Where do gardeners sleep? In flower beds.

175. What do you get when you cross a sheep with a flower? A baa-tiful blossom.

176. Why do potatoes make good detectives? Because they keep their eyes peeled.

Winter Jokes for Kids

Dad telling winter jokes for kids
Warm up with some fun laughs (via Canva)

Winter is a time for snowy fun and cozy gatherings, so what better way to warm up those chilly days than with a collection of winter jokes for kids?

Even on the coldest days, a good laugh can make everyone feel warm inside. Whether you're building a snowman or staying indoors by the fire, these silly winter jokes for kids will add an extra sprinkle of joy to your celebrations.

177. Where do polar bears cast their votes on election day? At the North Poll.

178. What's a snowman's favorite breakfast cereal? Frosted Flakes, of course.

179. What do you call a snowman zooming around on wheels? A snowmobile.

180. How do polar bears make their beds each night? With ice sheets and fluffy snow blankets.

181. What nickname do snowman parents give their little snowkids? Chill-dren.

182. Why don't mountains shiver in winter weather? Because they wear warm snow caps.

183. Which ball will never bounce back when you throw it? A snowball.

184. What do you call an old snowman? Water.

185. Where do smart polar bears save their money? In the snow bank.

186. What's the perfect way to frost a snowman's birthday cake? With lots of ice-ing.

187. What would a snowman name his pet dog? A slush puppy.

188. Why did the snowman go to school?  To learn how to chill out!

189. What's a snowman's favorite snack? Ice Krispy treats.

190. Why don’t snowmen fight? They just let things slide!

191. What do you call a slow skier? A slopepoke.

192. What’s a snowman’s favorite sport? Chill-eading.

193. What’s a snowman’s favorite mode of transportation? An icicle.

194. How do snowmen send secret messages? Through snow-mail.

195. What do you call a snowman’s favorite rock band? Coldplay.

196. How does a snowman pay for things? With cold hard cash.

Fall Jokes for Kids

Girl laughing at fall jokes for kids
These fall jokes will have them rolling in the leaves (via Canva)

Give your kids a barrel of laughs with silly fall jokes for kids that'll have them rolling in the leaves. We have jokes for kids about scarecrows, pumpkins and falling leaves that’ll have your little ones cracking up.

197. How do you mend a broken jack-o-lantern? With a pumpkin patch.

198. What do you call an apple that plays the trumpet? A tooty fruity.

199. Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field.

200. Why did the leaf go to the doctor? It was feeling a little green.

201. What do you call two spiders who just got married in autumn? Newly-webs.

202. How do autumn trees stay happy? They be-leaf in themselves.

203. What did the little tree say to the big tree? Leaf me alone, I'm bushed.

204. Why are trees so forgiving in autumn? They're willing to turn over a new leaf.

205. What do you call a pumpkin that works at the beach? A life-gourd.

206. Why did the cookie go to the nurse during fall? Because it felt crummy.

207. What do you call a pile of cats in autumn? A meow-tain.

208. What kind of vest should you wear in autumn? A har-vest.

209. Why don't trees ever get lost? They always stick to their roots.

210. How does a pumpkin answer the phone? "Gourd-en speaking."

211. What does a tree do when it's ready for fall? It leaves.

212. Why did the mushroom get invited to all the parties? Because he's a fungi (fun guy).

213. What's a tree's favorite subject in school? Geome-tree.

Summer Jokes for Kids

Father and daughter joking
Make the most of your quality time during summer (via Canva)

Give summer a splash of fun with hilarious summer jokes for kids including clever jokes about sunshine, swimming, chilly treats and lots more. Pack these witty one-liners for road trips, share them during backyard barbecues or use them to break the ice at summer camp.

214. Why did the sun go to school? To get a little brighter.

215. What does a pig say when it's sweating on a hot summer day? "I'm literally bacon over here."

216. Where do sheep go for their summer beach trips? The Baaaaa-hamas.

217. How do ducks celebrate Independence Day? With colorful firequackers.

218. Where do birds book their vacation stays? Somewhere chirp.

219. Did you hear about the dessert truck that crashed? It happened on Rocky Road.

220. What happens when ice cream gets really upset? It has a total meltdown.

221. Where do sick boats go to feel better? To the nearest dock.

222. What did the tree say after winter finally ended? "What a re-leaf summer is here."

223. How do seashells call each other? On their shell-phones.

224. Where do sharks go on vacation? Fin-land.

225. What did the beach say to the tide when it left? "Long time no sea."

226. What kind of shoes do frogs wear in summer? Open-toad sandals.

227. What do you call a lazy summer camper? A hammock potato.

228. What’s a popsicle’s worst fear? A hot day.

229. Why did the cookie sit under the sun? Because it wanted to be a little toasty.

Funny Jokes for Kids Aged 10-11

Funny Jokes for Kids aged 10
Kids develop their sense of humor from as early as one month old (via Canva)

 Research from the UK's Early Humour Survey shows that kids develop their sense of humor from as early as one month old. But by the time they reach their tweens they're ready for sophisticated funny jokes appropriate for kids aged 10-11, including classic dad jokes that play with language in clever ways. 

These funny jokes for kids aged 10-11 help develop their growing understanding of humor while creating fun family moments.

230. What do you call a dinosaur that crashes into things? A dino-sore.

231. What do clouds wear under their shorts? Thunderwear.

232. Why did the kid cross the playground? To get to the other slide.

233. Why can't you give Elsa a balloon? She'll let it go.

234. What do you call a dog magician? A labracadabrador.

235. How do soccer players stay cool during a game? They stand near the fans.

236. How do trees get on the internet? They log in.

237. What did the computer do when it got tired? It took a screen break.

238. Why did the football coach go to the bank? To get his quarter back.

239. Why was the cell phone wearing glasses? It lost all its contacts.

240. What do computers eat for lunch? Microchips with mega-bytes.

241. What's a swimmer's favorite math? Dive-ision.

242. What do you call a sad strawberry? A blueberry.

243. What did the lettuce say to the celery? Quit stalking me.

244. How does a taco say grace? Lettuce pray.

245. What kind of room doesn't have doors? A mushroom.

246. Why don't cats play poker in the jungle? Too many cheetahs.

247. What do you call a blind dinosaur? Do-you-think-he-saurus.

248. Why did the electron get invited to parties? It really knows how to charge up the atmosphere.

249. What's a shark's favorite sandwich? Peanut butter and jellyfish.

250. What's an astronaut's favorite key on the keyboard? The space bar.

251. How do you catch a whole school of fish? With bookworms.

252. What do you call a bear in the rain? A drizzly bear.

Simple Jokes for Kids

Laughing at simple jokes for kids
Simple jokes make for wonderful ice-breakers (via Canva)

Simple jokes for kids are wonderful ice-breakers for shy children in social situations and are the perfect stepping stones for developing young comedians.

253. How do you make an octopus laugh? With ten-tickles.

254. What do you call a fly without wings? A walk.

255. How do you talk to a giant? Use big words.

256. Why couldn't the pony sing? Because she was a little horse.

257. What do you call a duck that steals? A robber ducky.

258. What kind of bagel can fly? A plain bagel.

259. What do you call a sad cup of coffee? Depresso.

260. What's a pirate's favorite subject? ARRRt!

261. What happens when the clock strikes 13? Time to get a new clock.

262. What did one pickle say to the other pickle on the floor? "We'll just have to dill with it."

263. Why are dentures like stars? They both come out at night.

264. How does a cucumber become a pickle? It goes through a jarring experience.

265. Heard about the Moon restaurant? Great food, but no atmosphere.

266. What's worse than finding a worm in your apple? Finding half a worm.

267. What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back? A stick.

268. How do you make a lemon drop? Let it fall.

269. What do you call birds in love? Tweethearts.

270. Why was the strawberry crying? Her parents were in a jam.

271. Why did the girl bring a hammer to her cake? She heard it was a pound cake.

272. What did baby corn ask mommy corn? "Where's pop corn?"

273. What's fast, loud and crunchy? A rocket chip.

274. Why do we find things in the last place we look? Because once we find it, we stop looking.

275. What hair stuff do witches use? Scare-spray.

276. What do you call two witches living together? Broommates.

277. There are ten things you can always count on: your fingers.

278. What's different between a copied cat and a cat that follows you? One is a cat copy, and one is a copy cat!

279. How do you make an octopus laugh? With ten-tickles.

280. Why do fish live in salt water? Because pepper makes them sneeze.

281. What happens when you spoil a cow? You get spoiled milk.

282. How do pirates know who they are? They think, therefore they arrrrr.

283. Why are cats good at video games? They have nine lives.

Jokes for Kids About School

Father and daughter laughing
Tap into the daily experiences of kids with these joke (via Canva)

Jokes for kids about school tap into those daily experiences that students understand perfectly and they even take on an educational twist when thrown into the mix.

284. Why did the student eat his homework? Because the teacher said it was a piece of cake.

285. Why did the kid bring a ladder to school? They wanted to go to high school.

286. What did the pencil say to the paper? Write on.

287. Why was the broom late for school? It over-swept.

288. What's a math teacher's favorite season? SUMmer.

289. Why did the clock get sent to the principal's office? For tocking too much.

290. What's a snake's favorite subject? Hisssstory

291. Why did the gingerbread man go to school? To become a smart cookie.

292. Why was the computer cold at school? It left its Windows open.

293. What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary? A thesaurus.

294. Why was the teacher wearing sunglasses? Because her students were so bright.

295. Why did the math book look sad? Because it had too many problems.

296. Why is the number six so scared of seven? Because seven ate nine.

297. What do you call friends who love math problems? Algebros.

298. Why didn't the quarter roll down the hill with the nickel? It had more cents.

299. Why is the obtuse triangle always grumpy? Because it can never be right.

300. Are monsters good at math homework? Only Count Dracula.

301. Which snakes are best at math? Adders.

Whether they’re giggling about food, animals or wacky, made-up scenarios, having a few funny jokes for kids on hand is a great way to keep your little ones entertained all year long. From classic jokes for kids to silly knock-knock jokes, there’s no shortage of ways to get them laughing. 

With over 100 jokes for kids under your belt, you'll always have something to brighten their day and you never know which joke will get the biggest giggle until you give it a try. 

For even more laughs, check out other experiences happening on Classpop!