251 Funny Questions To Ask For Some Chuckles in 2025
Are you looking for funny questions to ask to break the ice in a group, funny questions to ask your best friend or funny questions to ask to get to know someone better? Nothing beats a deep belly laugh to lighten the mood and bring people together.
Knowing which funny questions to ask a girl or a guy can make you the most entertaining person in the room. Having weird questions to ask your friends can spark unexpected conversations and open the door to a deeper connection. These random questions are great conversation starters or ice breaker questions for every occasion, whether you’re playing ice breaker games, never have I ever or just hanging out with your friends.
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- Funny Questions To Ask Your Friends
- Funny Questions To Ask When Bored
- Funny Questions To Ask a Girl
- Funny Questions To Ask a Guy
Funny Questions To Ask Your Friends

Having a few funny questions to ask on hand for awkward situations or new environments can help create a fun atmosphere and establish common ground faster than regular small talk. It also helps to have a mix of never have I ever questions and funny questions to ask your friends to keep the conversation light and entertaining.
1. What’s the funniest thing you’ve been caught muttering to yourself?
2. Would you rather always walk backward or talk backward?
3. If you were a pizza topping what would you be?
4. If you were a kitchen appliance, what would you be and why?
5. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever Googled?
6. If you could swap lives with a celebrity for a day, who would it be, and what would you do?
7. What’s the most useless thing you know how to do?
8. Would you rather burp glitter or fart confetti?
9. If you had to marry a cartoon character, who would it be?
10. What’s the oddest combination of food you secretly love?
11. Is pizza just an open-faced sandwich?
12. What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?
13. What is your favorite song by your least favorite artists?
14. If you were a ghost, who would you haunt and why?
15. If you had to live in one TV show forever, which one would it be?
16. Would you rather have a tail or a third eye?
17. Would you rather have a rewind button or a pause button for your life?
18. If you were a flavor, which one would you be?
19. What’s the most random thing in your wallet or handbag right now?
20. Do you put salt on your cantaloupe?
21. Has anything weird or unexplained happened to you?
22. What’s the most ridiculous conspiracy theory you kind of believe?
23. Would you rather hiccup nonstop or sneeze nonstop for a day?
24. If you could only communicate using one meme, which one would it be?
25. Try funny questions to ask about being a vegetable, like what vegetable would you be and why?
26. What kind of stuffed animal did you have when you were little?
27. What’s your most irrational fear?
28. If I were to summon you using black magic, what five items would I need at each corner of the pentagram?
29. How often do you doodle?
30. What would your last words be if this was your last day on earth?
31. If animals could talk, which one do you think would be the rudest?
32. If you could only eat one color of food for the rest of your life, what color would it be?
33. If you could be any inanimate object for a day, what would it be?
34. Would you rather always be 10 minutes late or 20 minutes early?
35. What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever seen someone do in public?
36. If you could swap voices with any celebrity, who would it be?
37. Funny questions to ask about their guilty pleasure song?
38. If you could rename yourself, what ridiculous name would you pick?
39. Would you rather have fingers for toes or toes for fingers?
40. If you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, what would you win gold in?
41. What’s the most awkward situation you’ve ever been in?
42. If you were a kitchen utensil, what would you be?
43. What’s the most unnecessary thing you’ve ever bought?
44. If you had to choose one item to bring to a deserted island, what would it be?
45. What’s something you’ve done that you’re convinced no one else has?
46. If animals had jobs, what would your pet’s job be?
47. If you could replace all water with one liquid, what would it be?
48. What’s the strangest thing you’ve seen someone do in public?
49. If you could invent a new holiday, what awkward tradition would it include?
50. Would you rather be able to teleport or read minds?
51. What’s the funniest Wi-Fi name you’ve ever seen?
52. If you were in charge of naming planets, what would you name Earth?
53. Would you rather give up all items with dairy or gluten?
54. If you could bring one extinct animal back to life, what would it be?
55. What’s the worst haircut you’ve ever had?
56. Would you rather always have to whisper or always have to shout?
57. Funny questions to ask about what their most useless fact is?
58. If you could be any inanimate object, what would you be and why?
59. If you were a weather condition, what would you be?
Funny Questions To Ask When Bored

These funny questions to ask when bored are some of the best questions to get to know someone. They can help you establish rapport when things seem dull and spark some serious laughter. Try this mix of funny questions to ask your friends, who's most likely to questions and would you rather questions the next time you and your pals are feeling bored.
60. Would you rather have spaghetti for hair or sweat mayonnaise?
61. What’s the worst superpower you can think of?
62. What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?
63. What is the last thing on your mind?
64. If all animals were the same size, which one would win in a fight?
65. Funny questions to can also be super simple like, "Do you like bread?"
66. If aliens were set to destroy the world in 24 hours, what would you spend your time doing if you had unlimited resources?
67. If your life was a reality TV show, what would it be called?
68. What do you like on your pizza?
69. If you could pick a day to relive over and over, what day would it be and why?
70. What color is your toothbrush?
71. Where shouldn't you bring a dinosaur?
72. When you brush your teeth where do you start?
73. Which of your big toes are your favorite?
74. What four fruits would you include in your ideal fruit salad?
75. If you had to be a color what would you be?
76. Funny questions to ask about TV channels that don't exist but really should?
77. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve done for money?
78. If your pet could talk, what’s the first thing you think they’d say to you?
79. Do you believe in leprechauns?
80. If you could have dinner with any fictional character, who would it be?
81. Would you rather have no elbows or no knees?
82. If you could only speak in movie quotes, which movie would you pick?
83. What’s something you’ve done that felt illegal but wasn’t?
84. If you could rename everyday objects, what would you call spoons?
85. What’s your go-to karaoke song, even if you can’t sing?
86. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve Googled this week?
87. Funny questions to ask about the funniest insult they've ever received?
88. What’s a skill you’d be terrible at no matter how much you practiced?
89. If you could live in any cartoon world, where would it be?
90. Would you rather eat only desserts or only appetizers forever?
91. What’s the worst outfit you’ve ever worn?
92. If you had a warning label, what would it say?
93. What’s a food you hate that everyone else loves?
94. If you could switch voices with anyone, who would it be?
95. What’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever said out loud?
96. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve done at work or school?
97. Would you rather have a tail or wings?
98. Funny questions to ask about the worst date they’ve ever been on?
99. If you could time travel, but only to awkward moments, would you do it?
100. What’s the funniest name you’ve ever heard?
101. What’s the most random thing in your fridge right now?
102. What’s the silliest fear you’ve ever had?
103. If you were a superhero, what would your lame superpower be?
104. What’s the most embarrassing thing in your search history?
105. If you could add one feature to your body, what would it be?
106. What’s a chore you’d eliminate forever if you could?
107. If you had to wear one Halloween costume every day, what would it be?
108. What’s the funniest lie you’ve ever told?
109. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten on a dare?
110. If your life was a musical, what would the opening number be?
111. Funny questions to ask about the most ridiculous thing they’ve ever believed as a kid?
112. Would you rather always smell like garlic or always smell like onions?
113. Would you rather have a permanent clown nose or clown shoes?
114. What’s the strangest habit you’ve picked up?
115. If you had a personal theme song, what would it be?
116. Would you rather always be itchy or always be sticky?
117. What’s the funniest rumor you’ve heard about yourself?
118. If you were a spice, which one would you be?
119. What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever found in your pocket?
120. If you could swap lives with your pet, would you do it?
121. If you had to give up your bed and sleep in something else, what would it be?
Funny Questions To Ask a Girl

In addition to having weird questions to ask your friends in your back pocket, it helps to know what funny questions to ask a girl when trying to get to know her better. Whether you want to endear yourself to someone to make your conversation more enjoyable, there are some interesting funny questions to ask out there if you know where to look.
122. If your life had a narrator, who would you want it to be?
123. If you were to become a member of the Spice Girls, what would your Spice name be?
124. Do you prefer creamy or crunchy peanut butter?
125. What’s your go-to excuse to get out of plans you don’t want to attend?
126. What’s the weirdest superstition you actually follow?
127. If you could have a song play every time you enter a room, what would it be?
128. Would you rather speak every language in the world or be able to speak to animals?
129. If you could have any mythical creature as a pet what would it be?
130. What breakfast cereal has influenced your life the most?
131. Funny questions to ask about the weirdest thing they do?
132. When eating tacos, do you turn the taco or your head sideways?
133. What’s the most unnecessary thing you’ve ever bought?
134. What’s the worst fashion choice you’ve ever made?
135. If you could instantly learn any dance move, which one would it be?
136. If you were a fruit, what fruit would you be?
137. What’s the weirdest nickname you’ve ever had?
138. What’s the most awkward text you’ve ever sent?
139. If you could live in one movie forever, which one would it be?
140. If you could have dinner with any fictional villain, who would it be?
141. If you could invent one thing, what would it be?
142. Would you rather never be able to laugh or never be able to cry?
143. What’s the weirdest compliment you’ve ever received?
144. Would you rather be a famous singer or a famous actor?
145. What’s the most awkward thing you’ve accidentally overheard?
146. Would you rather have a pet dinosaur or a pet dragon?
147. What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever bought online?
148. If you could talk to animals, which one would you talk to first?
149. Would you rather always laugh at sad movies or cry at funny ones?
150. If you could make a law, what ridiculous rule would you enforce?
151. What’s your go-to excuse for getting out of plans you don’t want to attend?
152. What’s the most random thing in your purse right now?
153. Funny questions to ask about the strangest dream they’ve ever had?
154. If you were a dessert, what would you be?
155. If you could replace all the grass in the world with something else, what would it be?
156. What’s the most ridiculous fashion trend you’ve ever followed?
157. What’s your guilty pleasure reality TV show?
158. If you could only wear one outfit forever, what would it look like?
159. Would you rather have a talking pet or a self-cleaning house?
160. What’s your most useless hidden talent?
161. If you could make one part of your body glow in the dark, what would it be?
162. What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever argued about?
163. What’s your dream job if you could only use your pinky fingers to work?
164. What’s the oddest thing you’ve ever kept as a souvenir?
165. If you could make any object edible, what would you pick?
166. Would you rather have a unibrow you couldn’t remove or eyelashes a foot long?
167. If you were an animal, what would your mating dance look like?
168. Funny questions to ask about their your go-to bad joke when everything else fails?
169. If you had to replace your reflection with a celebrity, who would it be?
Funny Questions To Ask a Guy

Looking for funny questions to ask a guy? One of the best ways to bond with a guy friend is to share a good laugh together. While these may not be the best funny questions to ask your best friend, they can definitely help break the ice with a new guy friend.
170. What’s one superpower you wouldn’t want?
171. What’s the dumbest way you’ve injured yourself?
172. Would you rather fight a giant spider or a giant snake?
173. What's your favorite dinosaur?
174. If you were stuck in a video game, which one would it be?
175. What’s the most embarrassing song on your playlist?
176. Would you rather fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?
177. What is the most unexpected thing about you that you could tell me?
178. What would your friends assume you did if you were arrested without explanation?
179. Funny questions to ask about what their 10-year-old self would tell them now?
180. If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?
181. If you could combine two animals into a pet what would they be?
182. Do monkeys have two arms and two legs, four arms, or four legs?
183. What hobby would you get into if time and money weren't an issue?
184. What’s the strangest talent you secretly wish you had?
185. What’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever said out loud?
186. If you could only listen to one song forever, what would it be?
187. If you could make one animal the size of a car, which one would it be?
188. What’s the strangest thing you’ve done when bored?
189. If you could live in any decade, which one would you pick?
190. If you could only eat breakfast food for every meal, would you do it?
191. What’s the strangest rule you had to follow as a kid?
192. If your life were a movie, what genre would it be?
193. What’s the funniest prank you’ve ever pulled or been part of?
194. If your life had a laugh track, when would it play the loudest?
195. Funny questions to ask about if socks didn’t exist, what would they wear instead?
196. Would you rather always smell like fresh-baked cookies or pizza?
197. If you had to create a new handshake, what would it look like?
198. If your life were a sports commentary, what would the announcer constantly criticize?
199. What’s the most ridiculous fashion trend you secretly like?
200. If you could only grow one type of facial hair, what would it be?
201. If you were a cereal mascot, what would your slogan be?
202. Would you rather have legs that never stop growing or arms that shrink every year?
203. What’s your dream job if it paid in pizza instead of money?
204. If you could design a theme park ride, what would it be called?
205. Would you rather always walk like a penguin or hop like a kangaroo?
206. If you could turn any object into a hoverboard, what would you pick?
207. What’s your secret nickname that you hope nobody ever finds out?
208. Would you rather have a permanent mullet or a mohawk?
209. If you could only wear one pattern for the rest of your life, what would it be?
210. Funny questions to ask about if their life were an action movie, what the title would be?
211. If you were a drink, what crazy ingredients would you have?
212. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever been caught doing alone?
213. What’s the strangest thing you’ve done on autopilot?
214. If you could only sing one song forever, how long would it take for you to lose it?
215. What’s the weirdest place you’ve fallen asleep?
216. Would you rather always wear sunglasses indoors or a cowboy hat outdoors?
217. If you had to replace your middle name with a sound effect, what would it be?
218. What’s the weirdest DIY project you’ve attempted?
219. If you could teleport but only while dancing, would you do it?
220. What’s the funniest misunderstanding you’ve been a part of?
221. If you could eat a meal with one historical figure, but they had to cook it, who would you choose?
222. If you could ban one common phrase, what would it be?
223. Would you rather always have to wear wet socks or an itchy sweater?
224. If you were famous for something ridiculous, what would it be?
225. If you had to rename ketchup, what would you call it?
226. What’s the most absurd place you’d want to visit?
227. If your life had a blooper reel, what moment would be at the top?
228. Funny questions to ask about the worst advice they’ve ever followed?
229. If you could only have one haircut for life, what would it be?
230. If you had to tattoo your favorite food on your arm, what would it be?
231. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever been bribed with?
232. Would you rather always sound like a robot or a chipmunk?
233. What’s the weirdest way you’ve introduced yourself to someone?
234. If you could add one unnecessary feature to cars, what would it be?
235. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever smelled and liked?
236. If you could make one body part detachable, which one would it be?
237. What’s the most hilarious autocorrect fail you’ve had?
238. If you could subscribe to only one YouTube channel forever, which would it be?
239. What’s one thing you’ve tried that you'll never do again?
240. Can you fold a fitted sheet by yourself?
241. Do you think soup is something you eat or drink?
242. Which do you think tastes better, round or square pizza?
243. What's something popular now that you think we'll be embarrassed by in the future?
244. Which SpongeBob character would you live with and why?
245. Would you rather live in constant sunlight or total darkness?
246. Funny questions to ask about if they're ever seen something unusual in someone else's home?
247. What’s the most frustrating reason you’ve ever gotten a ticket?
248. Would you rather see your favorite singer, band or DJ live or get $1,000 in cash?
249. What’s the strangest thing you keep next to your bed?
250. Have you or someone you know seen your doppelgänger?
251. What Hogwarts house do you think you belong to, and why?
Having funny questions to ask at the ready can transform any dull moment into one filled with laughter and connection. From unexpected hypotheticals to downright silly scenarios, these funny questions to ask can help break the ice, deepen your friendships and spark joy in even the most serious of situations. The next time you’re searching for a way to entertain, pick a few of your favorites and let the chuckles begin.
For even more fun ideas for when you're bored, check out other experiences happening on Classpop!