99 Mischievous Elf on the Shelf Ideas for Christmas in 2025
Elf on the Shelf ideas can be more creatively inspired than you might think. Are you wondering “What are you supposed to do with Elf on the Shelf?” or possibly “Why should I buy into this strange new fad”?
In many cultures, according to an article in the Fall 2012 issue of Current Issues in Comparative Education, “traditional understanding as a set of principles to guide daily life, and inclusion in direct and indirect teachings to children, are imperative.” Building family traditions is important, so start with some fun Christmas crafts or Christmas activities including Elf on the Shelf. This list even involves a few fun Christmas painting ideas.
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- Elf on the Shelf Rules Explained
- Funny Elf on the Shelf Ideas
- Cute Elf on the Shelf Ideas for Kids
- Creative Elf on the Shelf Ideas for Home
- Naughty Elf on the Shelf Ideas for Adults
- Unique Elf on the Shelf Ideas
Elf on the Shelf Rules Explained

What night should I start Elf on the Shelf? That seems to be up for debate, since every family may have a different tradition. Generally, the idea is to begin around the beginning of December (similar to an Advent Calendar).
Elf on the Shelf ideas derive from a book about a Scout Elf who comes to watch over the children and report back to Santa Claus whether they should remain on the Nice List or be moved to the Naughty List (and vice versa). The original concept involved the elf watching during the day and reporting back at night, so when he or she returned in the morning, the position and location in which he or she sat would have changed.
What is the number 1 rule for Elf on the Shelf? Mainly, that the kids are not allowed to touch the elf or it will lose its magic!
What are the two rules for The Elf on the Shelf? The Elf cannot be touched by children and the Elf will definitely be leaving with Santa on Christmas Eve, so it is best to say goodbyes before evening that day.
It's not so sad! Your elf will be back again next year, just like that old favorite snowman.
Funny Elf on the Shelf Ideas
Funny Elf on the Shelf ideas for adults and children alike are the best way to spend the holidays — with a home filled with laughter! Who could ask for more? Here are some superbly hilarious, comical or sweetly comedic options.
1. Landing Gear
What's funnier than a drop landing on the Christmas tree? You'll need a landing net for safety reasons, of course — which you can create with popsicle sticks and tape.
2. Home Defense

Your elf has been taped against the wall or caged, surrounded by little green army men or other warrior toys your children own. They want to make sure this intruder has the best intentions for your household.
3. Toasty
This elf creates puns for breakfast. Sticking arms through holes in a piece of standard toast, and leaning against your toaster, helped them in warming up after their nightly travels.
4. Against a Tree
Propped up between a potted plant and the wall with a good book open is where we all want to be, and it's a silly sight to feast your eyes on when your Elf looks like she's on vacation.
5. An Old Melodrama

Though your kids might not get the references in these Elf on the Shelf ideas, they'll still find it silly or funny that your elf is trussed up and about to be run over by a toy train.
6. Not For Santa's Consumption
Sometimes your elf gets a hankering for cookies in the middle of the night — but they mistook your dog treats for Christmas cookie ideas and they're not happy about it. They may even leave a note warning you not to set these ones out for Santa.
7. Medieval
A coffee filter works as an Elizabethan-style collar around your elf's neck and if you set them up with an old book (something by Shakespeare or perhaps a Bible), your kids will have a funny scene to enjoy.
8. Silly Faces

Taking a sharpie to fruit and produce to draw funny faces is a traditional prank and still incredibly fun! Your elf knows how to have a good time. Maybe you can pull off this prank as one of your Christmas potluck ideas.
9. Mining for Crafts
Let your elf get into your crafting supplies with a MineCraft pickaxe or try to use other MineCraft tools for housework.
10. Electric Reindeer

Dress the vacuum or Roomba up as a reindeer with antlers (and perhaps a red nose) and let the elf take it for a spin!
11. Learning Humor
These days it can be difficult to assess what is considered “funny”, so your elf is going to do a little reading up on the subject — set them up with an elf joke book or a bunch of Post-It Notes with holiday puns on them!
12. Dunk Tank
All your elf needs is a seat, a blue cardboard pool, or “tank” with a bowl of small round candies (probably mini marshmallows or yellow skittles for baseballs or softballs) beside it. They're ready to go for a swim.
13. Dancing the Floss?

Well, they're not sure if this is how they're supposed to do it, but they ended all tangled up in the floss. Can you untangle them now that you've had your laugh? Your kids may be more amused than the elf.
14. Having A Ball
Small colorful crafting cotton balls or various small round candies in a bowl work as a perfect ball pit for your elf to hang out in.
15. First Shave
A face full of shaving cream and a razor in their arms shows your children just how this elf's first experience with shaving went and causes a giggle or two in the process.
16. Blowing Bubbles

How big of a bubble can you blow? This is a common chewing gum question — and this elf has tested their mettle! A pack of the gum in question and a balloon of the same color blown up and tied (with the tied side facing the elf's mouth, so the kids can't see it at first) make a convincing demonstration of this silly prank. Or maybe the elf swallowed their gum by mistake and have now made bubbles out of the wrong hole!
17. Stinky Work
Cleaning up after such a small elf can actually be time-consuming work. Your kids might stumble upon the elf plunging the toilet in this hilariously gross Elf on the Shelf idea.
18. Nose So Bright
Provide your funny Elf on the Shelf with ideas like dressing up to match a family photo — including leaving out a bag of small red pom-poms to use as Rudolph (or clown) noses.
19. Morning Stretch

Considering the pose-able nature of Elf on the Shelf, it's surprising that more of them don't do some yoga to keep themselves limber! Not to mention the strange and laughter-inducing positions your children can find them in. These elf on the shelf ideas may even get your kids interested in yoga — directing them to a healthier lifestyle.
20. Baking Puns
Whether your elf decides to cut a bunch of “E” shapes out of brown cardboard to display their initials on their handiwork. Maybe they put their initials on a cookie sheet or baking pan. Or did they go one step further and actually bake brownies and cut them into multiple letter “E” shapes, this pun is bound to crack a few smiles.
21. Mini Golf
Who has more fun than pranksters at a golf course? You can help your elf to their own day at the links by crafting a putting green with felt or construction paper and setting out candy canes for golf clubs and small round candies as the balls (marshmallows for real golf, skittles or M&Ms for “crazy” or “mini” golf). Perhaps set up a doll or stuffed animal toy as a competitor!
22. Too Far South
Your elf tried to bring a friend with them, but it didn't quite work. A mason jar filled with a clear sticky substance like glue with a small carrot and two buttons “floating” inside will give the desired effect of your elf's melted snow pal. Sorry Olaf!
23. A Little Toothpaste

Setting up your elf with a toothbrush and a little toothpaste on his face gives a goofy image for your kids and sets your elf up as a role model for good hygiene. Or go the opposite direction, where the elf is trying to sabotage clean teeth altogether.
24. Caught in Quarantine
This time it's your elf inside the mason jar (or other clear container) with a note labeling it as a Quarantine Center and your trapped elf making faces and trying to escape unsuccessfully.
25. Hot Tub
Enjoying a relaxing soak in a hot tub is on most of our adult minds as a fantastic self-care idea, while kids might just find it a funny treat — especially when the Elf's hot tub consists of a small cooking pot from the kitchen filled with mini marshmallows.
Cute Elf on the Shelf Ideas for Kids
Your children are looking forward to finding their buddy in a new position every day, so here are a few cute Elf on the Shelf ideas for kids, to inspire their minds and bring a smile to their faces.
26. You Spin Me Right Round
If you own a turntable, you have the perfect setup for some musical scenery. Sit your elf down on a record and let it spin!
27. What An Angel!

Create a snowy area with some sprinkles on a cutting board (for quick clean-up) and let your elf get to playing! Whether they roll around and make a sprinkled angel or a perfect print of her bottom, or even build a creature out of sprinkles and frosting, the cuteness of these Elf on the Shelf ideas will delight everyone in sight.
28. Riding in the Car
Sometimes your elf wants to get out of the house for a change of scene, so they'll tag along on the car ride. As long as they're somewhere where they can see the kids and the kids can see them, everyone will have a good time with these Elf on the Shelf ideas for your vehicle, such as hanging off the rear-view mirror or sitting on the console.
29. Rock Band
Your elf has taken an interest in Stomp and rock and roll music and they're turning your recycled tin cans (upended) into drums, with some sparkly pipe cleaners for drumsticks. They might even wear some earplugs made of cotton balls so they don't hurt their ears.
30. Tea Together
Gather up a party of toys and let them sit together with your elf at a classic tea party. Your kid can join them in a sophisticated pre-Christmas luncheon, bringing along their favorite Christmas party food to snack on.
31. Candy Jar

The elf has a sweet tooth, of course, so they got themself into a pickle sneaking snacks from the candy jar. They got stuck right in the middle of the candy and your kid has to help them escape — maybe getting a candy as a reward.
32. Camping Out
Elf on the Shelf ideas wouldn't be complete without the elf sometimes struggling to find their way back home to the North Pole and back to your house in the same night! If they can't quite find their way, they'll pull out a small tent made of fabric and a cardboard (or doll toy) telescope to try to read the stars.
33. Spy Secrets
Santa and your scout elf have to exchange their messages without prying eyes discovering what they say — but your elf must have let one slip! Decode the message for a fun afternoon and a sweet surprise note from Santa about how good your children are behaving or a Santa gift clue.
34. Tree Sales
Even your toys have to buy their Christmas trees somewhere. These Elf on the Shelf ideas consist of Little Debbie or Reese's Christmas tree-shaped snacks and your elf in an apron trying to sell trees to their friends among your household toys.
35. Superhero

Your elf sometimes wears a cape when they're in the mood for flying around and saving dolls in distress. Just make sure they don't snag the cape on anything mid-flight!
36. Homecoming Celebration
Decorate a runway or landing strip with a set or two of twinkly lights (or Christmas tree light strings) and let your children help in creating a “Welcome Home” sign. When they wake up, the Elf has arrived and really livened things up (or made a small mess — whichever you find cuter).
37. Tire Swing
A chocolate doughnut on a string hanging from a lamp in your kitchen makes for a sweet and simple tire swing for the elf to play on.
38. Painting the S-Elf
Using the simple crafting elements around your house, allow your elf to draw their own self-portrait with crayons, markers or more. Maybe even lay out some sketching books for them to learn how to sketch.
39. Fairy Home
Building fairy houses is always a fun time! You have all the supplies you need in your yard, with sticks and grass and flowers — and maybe some mushrooms if you can find them! Of course, you can also buy moss-looking items and fake mushrooms at your local craft store. Your elf likes to commune with nature, too.
40. Tic-Tac-Toe Tournament

Your household toys have challenged the elf to a battle of wits! Tic-Tac-Toe is easy to set up, including two colors of Christmas Bows and a single color of tape to make the board on the walls. Who will win today's game?
41. Swinging
With an empty toilet paper roll and some string, your elf can create a simple swing — which can hang almost anywhere (perhaps from a lamp that has been turned off or if you have a chandelier). Make sure your elf is properly seated so as not to fall off the swing before morning!
42. Playing Pretend
Bringing some cotton balls out of the cupboard, your elf has had a fun time playing dress up and pretending he's Santa Claus all night with a white beard and gloves.
43. Indoor Fishing

The Elf mistakes your sink for a pond or lake where fish might abound. Goldfish crackers make for a fun prop in the basin, whether you add water or not (if you want to add water, try waiting until closer to morning as the fish will swell in the water over time). Create a fishing rod from a toy that you already have in the house or you can attach a string to a small stick.
44. Bow Climbing
Christmas wrapping bows, the pre-made ones that come in a variety of colors, can attach to the front of your fridge like a rock climbing wall — and your elf is halfway up when your children catch them! Magnets or tape will help keep them in place.
45. Trend Setter
Whether you sew an outfit for your elf to match one that you or your children already own or buy an outfit for your child that will match one for your elf (they may make clothes for dolls with matching sets for children already), your child will get a kick out of these Elf on the Shelf concepts.
46. Bath Paints
Bath paints are fantastic! They cost about a dollar at department stores like Dollar Tree and Target, they come in a variety of colors, and best of all: your elf can use them to leave fun (and easy to clean) messages in the bathtub for your children.
47. Mechanic Moves

Sometimes even your toy cars need to be fixed. The elf wants to do something for the household overnight, so they're making sure all the cars work like they're supposed to! They may have left a few tools strewn about while they work, though.
48. Campfire Treats
With a low-burning candle as the fireplace, a seat on an upended cup or mug and a toothpick as a roasting stick with some mini marshmallows, it's easy for your elf to get in on some cozy camp-style fun this holiday season.
49. Small Packages
Knowing all the work Santa and parents put into gift-giving, your elf was feeling a little left out. So they went out and got supplies to wrap some mini gifts of their own to put on or under your tree. They may even still be wrapping when your children find them for the day.
50. From the Source
Rather than drinking orange juice from the carton or bottle, which is usually made from concentrate anyway, your elf would rather stick a straw in an orange and sip straight from the source. They like the pulp kind best.
Creative Elf on the Shelf Ideas for Home
Spending the holidays at home can be a bummer for some, but you can brighten the mood with some fun and creative Elf on the Shelf ideas for home!
51. Book Hunt

When your children go to look for their favorite books, they'll find your elf trying to pull out a book of their own. Other Elf on the Shelf ideas around bookshelves include having them already reading an open book while sitting on the shelf or hiding between books.
52. Sprouting Up
This can be a several-day event for you and your elf. Plant a few candy canes in a cup or jar with some “soil” made of dark-colored cookie dust or crumbled brownies, with just the tops of the canes sticking out. The second day pull them up a tiny bit and add a cardboard (or toy) watering can taped to the elf's hand. On day three, the elf has a pose of success and joy, the canes are almost all the way out of the soil, the watering can is at the elf's feet. Your child will love the process and expressions your elf goes through, especially on day 4 when the candy canes are ripe for the harvest.
53. Pillow Party
Work with your elf to craft a pillow fort and let your elf and some of your children's toys have a slumber party inside — maybe even leave some snacks lying around because they fell asleep after a sugar high!
54. Classic
Practicing piano is a beautiful way to kill time — and one of your elf's favorite hobbies! They're working on learning a new song to play for Santa.
55. Reading to the Masses
The Elf has a fun time reading stories to the toys in your home. Whether your children have dolls or dinosaurs, they can gather en mass like in a certain famous Pixar film to listen to your Elf read to them. This is easiest to set up with a young child's picture book, as the thin size and hard book covers remain open when propped that way.
56. Gym Time

Your elf was looking for a workout, so they pushed a straw or a stick between two large marshmallows and tried to lift them. This may have been too heavy for them, or perhaps they're stuck holding them over their head!
57. Calming Force
Fill a container with sugar and round peppermint candies as rocks. Your elf will love this makeshift zen garden, raking it with a fork, to take a load off their mind during these stressful days.
58. Construction
Overnight your elf built an igloo, to feel more at home when they take a nap! Cotton balls glued onto a paper towel roll will work, or a cupcake with light frosting and mini marshmallows all over it works, too — for an edible treat!
59. Drive-In
Screen time is usually limited, even for elves, but exceptions can be made for awesome events — like gathering all the other toys to sit on Matchbox cars and watch a movie on a tablet device. This is one of the most creative Elf on the Shelf ideas that doesn't involve a lot of candy or glue.
60. Snorkeling

Look in the empty fish tank on the counter — your elf has taken a straw for a snorkel and decided to visit the rocks at the bottom of the tank. You could try this with a tank full of fish, but be prepared for a long drying process afterward. Alternitively, get some cut-out paper fish and glue them to the glass for a drier elf.
61. Parade
It's Banner Day and your elf has joined the parade around the living room along with a few other toys from around the household.
62. Digging for Cash
Everyone knows that coins get lost between the couch cushions at home — including your elf! In their spare time, they go hunting for some spare change.
63. Sledding
Your elf gathers a few toy buddies to take a ride down your banister in this classically fun and simple setup Elf on the Shelf idea. Add some candy canes underneath for a toboggan sled instead of the classic version.
64. Silver and Gold
These Elf on the Shelf ideas bring out the Oceans 11 in the little trouble maker. They've been caught red-handed trying to steal all of mom's jewelry and dad's watches in the heist of the century gone awry.
65. Board Games

Break out the board games! Your elf likes to play with Candy Land or Hungry Hippo as much as your child. Sometimes, the forgetful and lazy elf doesn't put away their games when they're done, just like a certain young person you may know.
66. Fancy Door
Even if you didn't hand-weave your own wreath, it's still nice to get everyone to take a closer look when your elf hides out there for one of the sweeter Elf on the Shelf ideas or even fun Christmas door decorating ideas.
67. Streamers
Surprise is the order of the day when your children wake up to streamers on the bedroom door, set up by your lovable local elf. Start the day with a little fun with these celebratory Elf on the Shelf ideas!
68. At the Birth
Your elf is taking a somber moment to really do research on the beginnings of this holiday tradition as they envision themself at the Nativity. They're a method actor, so they're going to spend some time in your family Nativity Scene. One of the top Christmasy Elf on the Shelf ideas, for sure!
69. You've Got Mail
When you have a mail slot, it's easy for your elf to hang by her knees to spy on your household upside down! Pretending to be an acrobat is her favorite pastime.
70. Day Off

Learning the importance of rest when you're under the weather is incredibly important, even for Santa's elves. This is one of the best Elf on the Shelf ideas for helping your children learn that it's okay to take a day off when their bodies or minds need it. Wrap your elf in a tiny blanket or hand towel and prop up their head with a pillow (or a few cotton balls) — maybe place a small bottle of medicine or vapor rub beside his makeshift bed. You can also turn this into a wellness day for your elf with all sorts of pampering products. These Elf on the Shelf ideas can teach your kid about the importance of mindfulness activities.
71. Advent Clues
Your elf has small gifts to give your child each day, with a tiny clue as to what's inside! This also makes life easier on your elf, as they just have to sit in the same spot every day to hand out the clues in the morning and the gift bags before bedtime.
72. Hide and Seek
Your child's toys get put away in a certain location — and that is exactly where your Elf is planning to hide! They say the best way to miss seeing a hidden object is when it is hidden in plain sight. This is one of the Elf on the Shelf ideas that's born from this concept.
73. Bunny Slope

Set up a short stack of white hand towels and a pair of popsicle sticks for your elf to go skiing! It may be their first time, so if they falls down, you won't be too surprised. This is one of the top Elf on the Shelf ideas for kids who love to frolic on the slopes.
74. SantaCam
Setting up an old camera as a modern version of Santa's magic snowball to pay attention to the children on his Nice list is one of your Elf on the Shelf ideas that are most helpful. The elf just has to check the camera feed every so often, and you can also teach your children about the importance of internet safety when you compare it to a WebCam.
75. Sleeping with the Sauces
Your elf might feel inclined to cuddle up in the fridge, wrapped in a hand towel. Why? It reminds them of their polar home, of course! These Elf on the Shelf ideas will shock and surprise your kids as they open the fridge to get a Christmas snack and find their frozen foe!
Naughty Elf on the Shelf Ideas for Adults
Whether you're looking for naughty Elf on the Shelf ideas for adults because your elf likes to make a big mess for your children to clean up or because your adult friends like to play some kind of innovative “find the elf” drinking game, here are some fascinating Elf on the Shelf ideas for grownups.
76. Festive Breakfast
Let your Elf do something a little gross and messy by decorating a bagel with cream cheese dyed green or red and adding sprinkles so it looks like a cookie! Weirdly delightful, this mischievous meal will brighten the morning for both adults and kids. Play a prank on your partner by smothering a small amount of fish paste (or something equally mismatched in taste) at the center. Remember, it wasn't you, it was the trickster elf!
77. Rodeo Ride
Just like a cowboy in a Rodeo, your Elf has jumped on the rocking horse (or the arm of a chair) and is riding it like a bucking bronco. One hand down to grip the “animal,” one arm in the air for a triumphant fist pump. Naughty Elf on the Shelf ideas would be incomplete without a little rowdy behavior. Maybe Barbie has joined the little devil on the horse for a great night out.
78. Hammock
The Elf gets away with some crass behavior when they steal a face mask or hair net and hang it from the chandelier as a hammock. Wake up to a peacefully resting Elf far above your head in the entry hall or over your dining room table, wherever the best light source for this kind of scheme may exist in your house. These Elf on the Shelf ideas have turned your buddy into a full-on K-beauty expert, much to your partner's dismay.
79. High Ropes

A string of lights can be detached from the tree and slung across the room to attach elsewhere — your elf is using this as a fun zip line! These Elf on the Shelf ideas are taken straight from your favorite action movies — channeling their best Ethan Hunt, John McClane or Jason Bourne.
80. Love Notes
Get the mirror messy when the Elf writes a sweet affirmation on it with lipstick. This is actually one of the sweetest Elf on the Shelf ideas for adults. You can even have your elf pack up your partner's lunch for work, including a funny or sweet note — just make sure to change your handwriting. The note is from the elf anyways...
81. Magnetized
Pull your magnets altogether for a fun event when your Elf snags someone's underwear and hangs in it — stuck right on the fridge. Whoops! Simple and embarrassing Elf on the Shelf ideas are extremely fun.
82. Popcorn Surprise

Creating a mess is simple when popcorn is involved! Perhaps the Elf opened the bag too quickly while pouring it into a bowl, or merely spilled some over the counter while digging in with both hands. Hopefully these Elf on the Shelf ideas don't ruin movie night!
83. Over the Wall
Any small candies will work for this one. Your elf has made a stand by banding together some popsicle sticks and the catapult arm with a plastic spoon, attached to the stand with glue at the base, propped at an angle, ready to toss mini marshmallows, M&Ms, Reese's Pieces, or Snow Caps at the enemy.
84. Poop Oops!
A mischievous and naughty elf has left some poop in a wine glass! The elf sits atop the glass, while the glass has some chocolate candy or pudding inside (perhaps a Hershey's kiss or a few brown peanut M&Ms). Choose what type of candy or dessert item you want to represent the gross substance in the glass.
Unique Elf on the Shelf Ideas
85. Breaking Free
As you go to pour the breakfast cereal, you may notice a new feature to the image on the front cover: it's been cut out and your elf's head is poking through! Someone couldn't wait to get to the toy at the bottom.
86. Syrup Slurpee
One of the stickiest and naughtiest Elf on the Shelf ideas is to catch your elf drinking syrup from the bottle with a straw. Help prop them up so their mouth can reach the straw by seating them on the rim of a tall glass or plastic cup.
87. Peek-A-Boo!
Your elf has the worst timing as your children catch them sneaking a peek at the gifts under the tree when they come downstairs. Oops! At least they can't tell your kids what they saw.
88. Eyes on Me

Most crafters have a set of googly eyes lying around somewhere. Your Elf will get into your crafting supplies and provide your open basket of produce (whether you have fruits or vegetables on the counter, or other items) with googly eyes. Produce makes it at least somewhat simpler to remove the eyes before consumption, but you might get them off of other items with grease-cutting dish soap or butter.
89. Snowflakes
One of the oldest crafts imaginable is turning one sheet of paper into a chain of snowflakes! For these Elf on the Shelf ideas, your elf has gone a bit too far, using your current roll of toilet paper for their crafting needs.
90. A Dry Coaster
For unforgettable Elf on the Shelf ideas, create an ideal roller coaster park ride out of the inside of your dryer when you duct tape up your elf and some of their friends. Don't forget to let them raise their hands in the air like they just don't care!
91. Crunchy Eggs
When someone goes to try out their Christmas breakfast ideas, they may want to double-check before they crack the eggs. The carton has been filled with round Christmas ornaments, and the eggs are in a bowl elsewhere in these crafty and simple Elf on the Shelf ideas.
92. Under Where?

This elf just can't get enough of the underwear gags! Elf on the Shelf ideas like hanging a multitude of (clean) young children's underwear all over the Christmas tree. These Elf on the Shelf ideas definitely belong on the Naughty list.
93. Rolling Downhill
Do you remember how much fun it was to roll down hills as a kid? Your elf is going to grab a toilet paper roll and take a purposeful tumble down the stairs for these epic Elf on the Shelf ideas. Don't forget to tape the end of the roll to the top of the stairs so it leaves a trail.
94. Modeling
Perhaps you shouldn't have left the photocopier free if you didn't want your elf to use it. They left a whole wall of selfies in different poses for your children to discover. Sorry trees! A more environmentally friendly way to complete these Elf on the Shelf ideas is to photoshop the elf in all your background photos on your shared devices.
95. Slimy Snake
While most parents may hate the gooey and gross simple craft of glitter-glue slime-making, it's a lot of fun for your elf! Whether there's just a ball or a whole long snake section's worth of sparkling slime, your children and friends will enjoy the sight of these messy Elf on the Shelf ideas.
96. Raising the Stakes

Where do you store your snacks? Among other Elf on the Shelf ideas, this one is sneaky and snacky! Stack some cereal and snack food boxes for the elf to sit on while perusing the contents of your pantry or cabinet containing the most tempting snacks.
97. In the Plastic Bubble
Your elf is ready to play it safe in these Elf on the Shelf ideas by stealing your bubble wrap and using it as body armor (and a helmet) in this wasteful but hilarious prank.
98. Shoes Run Amok
Your elf has stolen mismatched pairs of shoes from the entire family and has turned them into magical vehicles. They've challenged other friends (dolls, stuffed animals, other toys, etc) to a shoe race and everyone is in mid-competition when they've been found. For these unique Elf on the Shelf ideas, you can also make a long train of shoes around the room.
99. Taking Prisoners
Things can get a little creepy with some of these Elf on the Shelf ideas for naughty behavior. The Elf has decided to hold hostage one of the kids' toys in a mason jar or similar cage/prison cell. Maybe there's a reason: leave a note with the charges against the imprisoned toy!
Sharing the holidays with family through fun traditions has never been easier! Now you can create DIY Christmas gifts, DIY Christmas decorations and build unique Christmas gifts. Whether you're taking photos of your children on the roof of a car or cutting down your own tree with your new significant other, make this a holiday season to remember by adding fun, messy, unique and naughty Elf on the Shelf ideas to your Christmas countdown.
For even more fun Christmas gift ideas, check out other experiences happening on Classpop!