
The 13 Best Matcha Green Tea Powders To Try in 2025

Published on Mar 5th 2025
best matcha green tea powder

Whether you like to bake with it or turn it into a drink, the best matcha green tea powder makes all the difference. Matcha has grown in popularity over the last few years within Western culture for its versatility and health benefits. You’ll often see matcha lattes on coffee shop menus and matcha pastries in bakeries. And many people enjoy a traditional cup of matcha tea, too.

Matcha dates back to the Tang Dynasty in China during the 7th century. However, now, the majority of matcha is produced in Japan. It’s beloved for its antioxidant and weight management properties, according to Healthline. It’s also been shown to be good for liver, heart and brain health, as well as stress reduction. Plus, it’s easy to bake with or mix it into drinks, so having a daily dose of matcha is simple.

With all the potential uses of matcha, you want to be sure you have a good-quality powder. So, which is the best matcha green tea powder? We’ve rounded up 13 of the best matcha green tea powders for you to try.

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Best Organic Matcha Green Tea Powders

1. DAVIDsTEA Organic Matcha

DavidsTea offers one of the best Matcha Green Tea Powders
DAVIDsTEA Organic Grand Cru (via DAVIDsTEA)

This is the best organic matcha green tea powder if you want to try other flavors. You can try flavors like maple, peach, strawberry and vanilla matcha, which can be delicious in lattes or iced tea drinks. It’s the best matcha green tea powder if you want to experiment with flavors.

2. Cymbiotika Organic Matcha Powder

This ceremonial-grade organic matcha powder is made with tea leaves sourced from family farms in Japan. The leaves are from the first harvest, processed in small batches and stone-ground to ensure the highest quality. 

It’s also the best matcha green tea powder because of the health benefits, including improving focus, enhancing metabolism, improving energy and combatting premature aging. If you’re looking for tea party ideas, serving this brand is a great option. Its smooth flavor also makes it pair well with classic tea party food.

3. Ocha & Co.

Ocha & Co Matcha Green Tea
Ocha & Co. Organic Matcha (via Amazon)

Ocha & Co. produces the best organic matcha green tea powder with some of the highest quality. The leaves are picked and processed in Shizuoka, Japan, when they’re young to ensure the most flavor. Ocha & Co. uses an award-winning blender from Japan. 

The blender won the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture Tea Competition, a prestigious professional competition in Japan. The versatility also makes this the best matcha green tea powder because you can prepare it as a straight tea or use it in other drinks like smoothies and lattes.

Best Ceremonial Matcha Powder

4. DoMatcha Organic Ceremonial Matcha

This ceremonial-grade matcha is organic and the high quality is evident. It’s the best matcha green tea powder because of its smooth texture, bright hue and decadent taste. 

It being a ceremonial powder means it’s ideal for a preparation with just water, but it can also be prepared into other drinks. The price is a bit higher than others, but it’s the quality that makes it worth it.

5. Kyoto Dew Ceremonial Grade Matcha

Kyoto Dew makes one of the best Matcha Green Tea Powders
Kyoto Dew Ceremonial Matcha (via Amazon)

Kyoto Dew produces the best Ceremonial matcha powder with tea leaves from a farm in Kyoto, Japan. The leaves are hand-picked at the first harvest and traditionally stone-ground to ensure the most premium taste. It’s also certified organic, so there are no fillers. 

Many people cite this as the best matcha green tea powder because of its high quality. It smells and tastes divine, so it’s the perfect tea powder to enjoy at a tea party or as an energy-boosting smoothie.

6. Matchaful Hikari Ceremonial Matcha

Matchaful’s Hikari Ceremonial Matcha is the best Ceremonial matcha powder because it’s a single-origin matcha, meaning all the tea leaves are sourced from the same farm. The brand gets the leaves from a multi-generation estate during the first harvest. The leaves are hand-picked and pesticide-free, so it’s also a good organic option. 

The flavor is smooth and creamy, with notes of lemon and walnut. The high quality and unique flavor profile make this the best matcha green tea powder. You can drink it as its own tea prepared with water or in a latte or smoothie for a refreshing treat.

7. Kettl Shirakawa Samidori Matcha

Kettl Shirakaw Samidori Matcha
Kettl Shirakawa Samidori Matcha (via Kettl)

This is the best matcha green tea powder for experienced matcha drinkers. Kettl, the brand, works closely with growers and has master blenders who know how to bring out the flavor notes. 

Their dedication to producing a high-quality powder makes Kettl among the best green tea brands overall. The Shirakawa Samidori matcha is a light and sweet variety that’s ideal to sip on.

Best Matcha Powder for Weight Loss

8. RYZE Superfood Mushroom Matcha Powder

RYZE Superfood Mushroom Matcha Powder uses organic superfoods that will fuel your body. It has six mushrooms, blue spirulina and coconut milk that all help power your body. 

The blend can help sustain energy, keep you focused, promote good digestion and fight inflammation, which makes it one of the best matcha powders for weight loss.

9. Everyday Dose Matcha+

One of the best Matcha Green Tea Powders Everyday Dose Matcha+
Everyday Dose Matcha+ (via Amazon)

This is the best matcha green tea powder to replace your daily coffee with. Everyday Dose has a matcha powder that is made with functional mushrooms, including lion's mane and chaga. So, while it might not be a traditional matcha, it has plenty of health benefits. 

It gives you energy that won’t make you jittery or crash, so it’s perfect to take right before your workout. It also helps promote healthier skin, hair, nails, bones and joints.

10. Pique Matcha Fasting Green Tea

Pique produces the best matcha powder for weight loss. Their powder was formulated with the advice of Dr. Jason Fung, who is a fasting expert. The Matcha Fasting Green Tea helps to support a healthy metabolism and reduce cravings. 

There’s no added sugar and the tea provides energy without giving you the jitters. This is the best matcha green tea powder to sip on every day, along with diet and exercise, if you’re looking to shed a few pounds.

Best Matcha Powder for a Latte

11. Ito En Matcha Powder

Ito En Matcha Powder
Ito En Matcha Green Tea (via Amazon)

This is the best matcha powder for a latte because it’s easy and accessible to buy at an affordable price. It’s culinary grade, so it works well when blended into a latte and provides a pleasant and earthy taste. 

Ito En makes both a sweetened and unsweetened version, so you can make your drink to your taste. It’s also one of the best matcha green tea powders because it dissolves completely, so your latte won’t be gritty.

12. Jade Leaf Organic Ceremonial Matcha

If you’re looking for the best matcha green tea powder that’s also affordable, then this is the one. The lower price doesn’t mean lower quality, though. It’s a great option for a daily matcha drink and is relatively easy to prepare at home. 

This is also the best matcha green tea powder for drinks because it’s versatile; it's good for mixing into lattes, water or cocktails. The sweeter and balanced flavor makes it the best matcha green tea powder for those who want to recreate their favorite coffee shop treat at home.

13. Golde Pure Matcha

Golde Pure Matcha is one of the best matcha green tea powders
Golde Pure Matcha (via Amazon)

This is the best matcha powder for a latte for its affordable price and quality matcha. It’s ceremonial grade, so it has a strong flavor profile but is still smooth and balanced. It’s a favorite to use for making matcha lattes among fans of the drink. 

While lattes are the preferred method, it can be used in a variety of other drink preparations.

Best Matcha Green Tea Powder FAQs

What Is the Highest Quality Matcha?

Ceremonial-grade matcha is often considered the best matcha green tea powder. This is considered the highest quality and the best for drinking. Ceremonial-grade matcha leaves are picked at the first harvest of the year. Picking during this time makes the tea more flavorful, more vibrant in color and more nutrient-rich.

The other grades are Premium Grade Matcha and Culinary Grade, which come from later harvests, which makes them differ slightly in taste. Ceremonial-grade matcha has a naturally sweet taste and a smooth finish, which is why many experts consider it the best matcha green tea powder.

Is It Ok To Drink Matcha Green Tea Every Day?

Drinking matcha every day is generally okay for the average person. However, because of the caffeine content, you should consume one or two cups per day. Drinking in moderation prevents negative side effects, such as insomnia and jitters. It’s one of the best teas for sleep, but you’ll want to consume it at least two hours before bed to get the full effects.

Which Grade of Matcha Is Healthiest?

The healthiest and best matcha green tea powder grade is ceremonial grade matcha. Because it’s the highest grade, when it’s made into tea, it’s usually made without additional flavors blended into it. 

It’s also the best matcha green tea powder because of its health benefits. Ceremonial-grade matcha can help improve focus, lower stress and anxiety levels and help boost metabolism. It’s also the best tea for a sore throat because of its anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants.

Can You Buy Matcha in the Grocery Store?

Yes, some matcha brands are distributed in grocery stores. Even some of the best matcha green tea powders are available to purchase right off the shelves. However, some higher-quality matcha powders may only be available through the brand itself.

When you find the best matcha green tea powder, you’ll want to use it every day. Sip it in your favorite drink, bake it into a sweet treat or serve it during a tea party. Matcha is a versatile tea that has so many uses and the quality of the powder makes all the difference. With this guide for the best matcha green tea powder, you’ll know exactly which one to get for your needs. Your perfect cup of matcha or next favorite treat is right around the corner!

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