63 Fun Baby Shower Game Ideas For Your Party in 2025
Welcome a baby and have fun with your loved ones with fun baby shower game ideas. Having a baby is an exciting time and a baby shower is the perfect way to mark that milestone. There are plenty of details involved with planning a baby shower. From the food, the theme and the games, you want all of it to be just right. But there is no need to agonize over the party entertainment with these baby shower game ideas!
So, how many games should be played at a baby shower? According to Beau Coup, plan to have three to five different games, which can last between 30 and 45 minutes of the party. Some of these games can be backups in case you want to choose which games to play on the day of. Keep in mind the guests attending the party when choosing which baby shower games to play.
Here are a few ideas to infuse some fun into your baby shower!
Jump to Section
- Simple Baby Shower Games
- Unique Baby Shower Games
- Funny Baby Shower Games
- Meaningful Baby Shower Games And Activities
- Modern Baby Shower Games
- Adult Baby Shower Games
Simple Baby Shower Games
1. Guess the Baby Food

If you’re looking for a simple but engaging baby shower game idea, playing guess the baby food will be tons of fun. Blindfold guests and give them a small spoonful of baby food. Guests will have to guess what the flavor is based only on taste.
2. Baby Bingo
This is a classic game that your guests will already know how to play. Print out sheets of paper with a five-by-five grid on it and pens. Guests will guess the gifts the expectant mother will receive and mark them off as she opens them. The first one to get bingo wins the game. Baby bingo is also a great game because it easily goes with all kinds of baby shower themes.
3. Don’t Say “Baby”
This is a simple baby shower game that requires little setup; you only have to give everyone a safety pin as they enter. The only rule is you can’t say the word “baby” for a set period of time. If you hear someone say “baby,” they’re out and you can take their safety pin. The winner is whoever has the most safety pins at the end of the game.
4. Baby Photo Match Game
What are some good baby shower games? Ones that get all your guests involved, of course! Have your guests, family or friends submit baby pictures and current pictures of themselves. During the party, everyone can guess whose baby picture belongs to whom. These will also be great inspiration for mama's newborn photography ideas.
5. Baby Item Scavenger Hunt

A scavenger hunt is an easy baby shower game idea to get guests active and involved. Hide baby items like a diaper, pacifier and bottle around the party and give guests a list of items to find. A tip is to mark each item–with a colored dot, ribbon or other signifier–so guests know it’s part of the scavenger hunt and not part of the decor.
6. Alphabet Baby Name Race
Test your guests’ quick thinking with this baby shower game idea. Print out sheets of paper with each letter of the alphabet followed by a line. Give them a set amount of time for them to write a name that starts with each letter. The first one to complete all 26 wins.
7. Guess the Cravings
Pregnant women often experience infamously odd cravings. So, what is the mommy craving game? This simple baby shower game has guests guessing what the expectant mother has been craving throughout the pregnancy. You can have a list of foods from them to choose from or have guests come up with creative combinations on their own.
8. Future Baby Guessing Game
It’s always fun to think about what the future baby is going to be like. So, for this baby shower game idea, have guests guess details about the baby. They can guess the weight, length, eye color, hair color and other aspects they’ll find out when the baby arrives.
9. Guess How Many Animal Crackers

A classic game made for a baby shower. Fill a jar with animal crackers and have guests take guesses on how many are inside. Be sure to count out how many there are before so you have the right answer. And if you win, these can be sweet treats if you’re looking for kids' lunch ideas.
10. Themed Word Scramble
Print out a sheet of paper with a word scramble that features baby-themed words. This simple baby shower game will be great for guests to do at their seats before or after the shower’s meal.
11. Guess the Belly Size
This baby shower game idea will have guests estimating. All you need is a few feet of cord and scissors. Have each guest cut a piece of cord they believe will go around the mom-to-be’s belly without measuring. Then, measure each string with the closest one winning.
12. Who’s Watching the Baby?
For this simple baby shower game idea, you’ll need a few miniature plastic babies. Give each guest a baby they have to “babysit” throughout the party. Consider rules like you can’t put the baby in a pocket or a purse. If you catch a baby left without someone watching it, you can swipe it. The person with the most babies wins the game.
Unique Baby Shower Games
13. Rubber Ducky Raffle

A rubber ducky raffle is an easy baby shower game idea that requires little setup. You’ll need rubber ducks, raffle tickets and prizes. Write the numbers of random raffle tickets on the bottom of the ducks and give guests a raffle ticket as they arrive. Choose a duck and read off a number to find out who wins the raffles.
14. Guess the Cartoon Baby
Print out pictures of cartoon babies for this baby shower game idea. You can make them zoomed-in pictures to make the game a little harder. Have each guest write down who the baby is and what show or movie they’re from on a sheet of paper.
15. Would Mommy Rather…
Put a pregnancy spin on a classic game for this baby shower game idea. Hand out a sheet of paper with a few would-you-rather options and allow guests to make their guesses on which one mom-to-be would rather do.
16. Blind Baby Item Guessing Game
For this baby shower game idea, you’ll need a few baby items and a cardboard box. Cut a hole in one of the sides of the box just big enough for an arm to fit through. Have guests stick their hands in the box to feel an item before guessing it.
17. Bob for Pacifiers

This play on a carnival game will be a fun baby shower game idea. Fill a tub with water and add pacifiers with the nipples pointed down. Have guests try to grab a pacifier out of the tub with just their mouth in under 30 seconds.
18. Draw the Baby
This unique baby shower game will unleash your guests’ creativity. On a blank sheet of paper, have guests draw the baby, adding features like eyes, nose and mouth and accessories like bows, barrettes or hats.
19. Decorate a Onesie
Another baby shower game idea that will allow guests to be creative is decorating a onesie. Purchase blank onesies and fabric paint and have guests paint designs or words on the front. Choose onesies of different sizes so the baby can wear them through their first year of life.
20. How Old Was Mom/Dad?
Get photos of mom and dad at different ages for this baby shower game idea. Guests can guess how old they are in each photo. You can also play this game by asking guests how old mom and dad were when different events happened in their lives, such as their first dance recital or when they scored the winning goal.
21. Sock Match Race

This baby shower game will certainly get people hyped up. Fill a box with baby socks separated and have two people race to find the matches. The first person to get five sock matches will win the game.
22. Mom Brain
This baby shower game idea is a fun play on the forgetfulness that new moms often feel. Place an assortment of objects on a tray and then show each table of guests for fifteen to thirty seconds. After the objects are taken away, guests have to write them on a sheet of paper. Whoever remembers the most wins.
Funny Baby Shower Games
23. The Dirty Diaper Game
This baby shower game idea is funny, delicious and a little bit gross. You’ll need cloth diapers and a few different kinds of chocolate bars. Melt the chocolate a little bit and spoon them into the diapers. Then, have guests try to guess what candy is inside.
24. My Water Broke
For this baby shower game idea, freeze tiny plastic babies in an ice cube. Give each guest a cube and the objective is to melt the ice and get the baby out the fastest. Whoever gets the baby out first says “My water broke” and wins the game.
25. Baby Bottle Drink Race

This is one of the funniest baby shower games ever and harder than it looks. For this baby shower game idea, fill bottles with drinks and have guests try to chug them as fast as they can. Whoever finishes their bottle first wins.
26. Celebrity Baby Name Game
Everyone knows celebrities can name their babies funny names. With this baby shower game idea, put your celebrity knowledge to the test. On a sheet of paper, have guests match the unique baby name to the celebrity parent.
27. Build-a-Baby
This baby shower game idea will bring out some creativity. Place jars of Play-Doh or air-dry clay at each table and have guests build a clay version of a baby. They can sculpt fun accessories and even paint the baby when they’re finished.
28. Balloon Bump Pop
The balloon bump pop is a relay race baby shower game idea. In teams of five, have the first person blow up a balloon, then tie it off and place it on their stomach. This continues down the line as the person in front finishes the task. Once it reaches the end, the last person has to pop their balloon, then the next in line and so on. The first team to finish wins.
29. Blindfolded Baby Change Game

Test how good guests are at changing a diaper with this baby shower game idea. Blindfold guests and have them change a diaper on a baby doll. Whoever has the neatest change at the end wins.
30. Hot Potato Dirty Diaper
Give a classic kids’ game a baby shower twist. In this baby shower game idea, guests have to toss or pass a diaper around a circle while music plays. Whoever is caught holding the diaper when the music stops is eliminated and the game continues until there’s a winner.
31. Guess the Kids’ Show Theme Song
You’ll probably be hearing a lot of these theme songs after this baby shower game idea. Play a few seconds of a theme song from a kids’ show–they can be current or old–and have everyone guess which show it’s from.
32. Pass the Pacifier
For this game, you’ll need a few pacifiers. Have guests stand in a circle and have one less pacifier than there are players. Guests will pass the pacifiers around as music plays. If you don’t have a pacifier when the music stops, you’re eliminated.
33. Blindfold Block Stack

One of the funniest baby shower games ever will have guests trying to build a block tower. Blindfold guests and have them stack blocks and try to keep them from tumbling down. Whoever has the tallest tower in the time limit wins.
Meaningful Baby Shower Games And Activities
34. Motivational Diaper Messages
Being a new parent can be tough. A meaningful baby shower game idea would be to write motivational messages on diapers. Then, when the parents are changing diapers in the middle of the night, they have kind words from people they love.
35. Who Knows Mommy
Test your knowledge of the expectant mother with this baby shower game idea. Prepare trivia questions about the mom-to-be and have guests write their answers on a sheet of paper. This can be a fun and meaningful way to relive memories with loved ones.
36. Advice for Mom
With this meaningful baby shower activity, you can provide the expectant mom with some advice whether you’re a new mom yourself or have grown children. Have guests write their advice on notecards for the mom-to-be to refer back to later.
37. Baby Bucket List

Have guests write down activities, milestones or photos they should take of the baby before their first birthday. This baby shower game idea will provide a fun list of ideas for the parents to do to make memories with their newborn.
38. Find the Guest
This baby shower game idea is a great way to relive memories and help people get to know each other. Have prompts like “met mom in college” or “grew up on the same street” and have guests find someone who fits.
39. Make a Blanket for Mom
For this baby shower game idea, you’ll need a blank quilted blanket, fabric markers and fabric paint. Have each guest decorate a square on the quilt. This can be used in the nursery and remind her of all the people she loves.
40. Craft a Baby Shower Memory Book
With this baby shower game idea, you can start a scrapbook with memories from the baby shower. Guests can take photos, share memories and write notes inside. The new mom can remember the day and have a place to put pictures from the baby’s first year.
41. Paint Canvases for Nursery Gallery Wall

This meaningful baby shower activity will surround the new baby with love and art. Have guests paint miniature canvases that can be hung in the nursery as a gallery wall. If there are kids in attendance, you can also use this as inspiration for face paint ideas and give them a little wearable art.
42. Wishes for Baby
This meaningful baby shower game idea will bestow plenty of well wishes onto the baby. Have each guest write down what they wish for the baby throughout their lives and memorialize the responses in a nice scrapbook to look back on later.
43. Build a Baby Library
Have each guest bring their favorite baby or kid’s book to help build the baby’s library. You can guess which book will be the most common and give prizes for who brings the most unique book. Build a library games also work as first birthday party ideas.
Modern Baby Shower Games
44. What’s on Your Phone?
A modern version of what’s in your purse, this baby shower game idea is kind of like a digital scavenger hunt. Have guests search their phones for specific pictures, apps or comments on social media.
45. Make a Baby Playlist

This modern baby shower game will have everyone picking their favorite songs for the new baby. Have everyone write down song suggestions that the new parents can add to a playlist to listen to with their newborn.
46. Item Series Match
With this baby shower game, guests will have to put a series of items in a certain order to make a match. Use baby items like a teddy bear, bottle, blocks and a rubber duck and have guests arrange them to match the series. This game also works for a kids’ birthday party.
47. Baby Shower Family Feud
What games do you play at a baby shower? Games that can get everyone involved and engaged are great. A Family Feud-style game will bring out people’s competitive side in a fun way.
48. Mix Matched Baby Faces
For this baby shower game idea, print out baby pictures and cut them into pieces. You can use pictures of family and friends to make it more personal. Then, have guests race to rearrange the pictures the right way.
49. Do You Have It?

Make a list of items that range from common to rare for this baby shower game idea. Items can be similar to a pen, lip balm, perfume or a receipt from a specific store, then ask guests if they have it. Whoever has the most items wins.
50. Caption This Baby
Print out photos of babies making funny faces for this baby shower game idea. Then, have guests make silly captions that match the photos.
51. Baby Bottle Bowling
You’ll need ten baby bottles for this baby shower game idea. Set them up like pins and use a bouncy ball to go bowling.
52. Baby Song Guess
Test your guests’ musical knowledge with this baby shower game idea. Have them name as many songs that have the word “baby” in the title of lyrics as they can recall.
53. Baby Jeopardy

Everyone will love this modern baby shower game. Set up a baby-theme Jeopardy with categories about general baby trivia and about the parents and see how much the guests know.
Adult Baby Shower Games
54. Diaper Pong
This adult baby shower game puts a parenthood twist on a classic college game. This is fun to play with a co-ed group or your college friends. Hot glue diapers to a wooden board and set point values for each diaper. Aim ping pong balls into the diapers and try to get the highest score.
55. Nursery Rhyme Lyric Change
Test your creativity and change the lyrics to nursery rhymes. You can do this baby shower game idea in groups and each team can present their newly-written song.
56. What Am I?
Have someone describe common baby items in vague and funny ways. Guests will have to guess what item the person is describing. In this baby shower game idea, it’ll be funny to see guests trying to work out the confusing descriptions.
57. The Price is Right

Bring the classic game show to your baby shower. With this baby shower game idea, have guests guess the price of common baby items without going over. You can also play other classic Price is Right games.
58. Due Date Bet
This is a simple baby shower game idea that could win you a little money. Set up a betting pool for the due date. You can even guess the time of day and the length and weight of the baby. Whoever is the closest wins.
59. Mother Googse Mad Libs
Print out passages from classic Mother Goose nursery stories, but remove some words. For this unique baby shower game, guests can fill in their own nouns, verbs and adjectives to make a whole new funny story.
60. Who Said That?
Find quotes about babies from movies and television shows about babies, games and parenthood. Then, have everyone guess who said each quote. This simple baby shower game idea is a simple but fun way.
61. Stroller Relay

If you’re planning an outdoor baby shower, a stroller relay will be a fun baby shower game idea. Have guests push a stroller from one point to the other without losing a baby doll. The team that makes it through all the players first wins.
62. Labor or Horror
This adult baby shower game is perfect for horror lovers. Print photos of women screaming in horror movies and during labor and have guests guess which is from which.
63. Never Have I Ever: Parent Addition
Play the parenthood version of your favorite drinking game. With this baby shower game idea, select a couple of Never Have I Ever questions and have guests put a finger down for each one they’ve done. Whoever has the most fingers up at the end wins.
Celebrate your future child with everyone you love with these baby shower game ideas! Get silly or sentimental and prepare for a future baby in the most fun way. Choose a few to fill a baby shower with unique entertainment and give away prizes for the winners of the games. Whether you opt for active and interactive games or ones that are more laid back, with the right baby shower game ideas your party can be a hit.
No matter how many of these baby shower game ideas you choose, you’re sure to have plenty of entertainment for guests who can’t wait for your little bundle of joy to arrive.
For even more fun party game ideas, check out other experiences happening on Classpop!